
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wordless Wednesday!

It's Wordless Wednesday.....join Dixie and the other speechless participants at French Lique, Texas

Happy Independence Day, Michelle

Monday, June 29, 2009

Three or More Tuesday!

Welcome Bloggers to Three or More Tuesday! This fun event is hosted by Tam at The Gypsy's Corner, be sure to visit everyone!

I haven't participated for a while, but this week I'm highlighting my collection of wall clocks. I display them in my kitchen, mostly because I have sort of a retro coffee shop vibe. I tend to like the black and white kind, but I've thrown in some silver and chrome too.

Just for fun and no one really notices, but I have 2 of them set to the time of birth of my sons.

This is one:

This is the other:

This is my favorite...

2nd favorite...:)

Coming in @ 3rd...!

This one is a gift from my dear MIL! How fun is this?

Thank you for visiting me! Have a great Tuesday!

Thanks again Tam, for hosting!


Saturday, June 27, 2009

Scrapbook page

I am a life artist.
Thanks to Ali Edwards for coming up with a "title" (for lack of better word)
I am an artist of my life.....
I admire people like Tim Holtz, Ali Edwards, and Heidi Swapp (You can access these artist via my blog list)

This is what I've been working on....

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hope to see you on Monday!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Summer Tablescape!

First of all, I have disclaimer!! I took WAY too many photos! If you don't want to stay, I'll understand. I was SO excited that the weather was cooperating, the wind was not blowing a gale, the sun was shining.... I went overboard...I'm sorry, I hope it's ok...I'll shut up now. On to the tablescape! A huge thanks goes to Susan for faithfully hosting this event. She has allowed me a venue in which I can share my love for linens, glassware, dinnerware, and nearly everything else, with people that share the same love!! As a visual merchandiser, I get to play with a lot of fun stuff, but I have discovered, that it's much more fun playing with MY stuff! Be sure to visit Susan and all of the talent @ BNOTP!
Inspiration placemats came from Tuesday Morning, on clearance. I think these babies could go in many different directions. The direction I took was, well I'm not sure, If you think of a "name" leave it in the comment box! :)

I started bringing out the dishes and things, sitting them on the table and I thought it looked so pretty and the light was really nice...I started taking pictures.....*click*

(this is one of my favorites!)

I started setting the table...*click*

I was able to incorporate the pretty bottles I bought at Nell Hill's a few weeks ago, too.

Do those salad plates look familiar? I used the blue version in my "Ode to the Ocean" Tablescape. Those of you that commented that you bought the same plates at Pier 1, know that the set contained 2 blue and 2 green plates. The green was perfect with the placemats, and the silver related to the silverware. The Claremont dishes strike again! Little milk glass compotes with an apple complete the setting.

The basket cloche is from work, it's the same material that is around the bottles. It's some kind of limed wicker-or-something-or-another.....*click*

Candles, and a MG vase of Hydrangeas

Summer Causal
I used the Claremont napkin rings, no napkin folding this week!

Yep, still *clicking*!

Well, that is the end of another tablescape!

For those of you that stayed through all the pictures, Thank You!

Thank you for visiting!
Thank you again to Susan for hosting!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Dixie at French Lique, Texas host Wordless Wednesday. Join her and the silence here

Thanks for visiting


Monday, June 22, 2009

Let There Be White!

Welcome everyone and thank you for visiting me! I am participating in Kathleen's event at Cuisine Kathleen. Thank you for hosting! Be sure to visit everyone!

I must confess...I was preparing my tablescape for Susan's party on Tablescape Thursday, when I happened to notice Kathleen's Party on Susan's sidebar...Why not? I think! Since I'm outside anyway I'll shoot some fresh Summer White! Yes I agree: "Let There Be White" Hope you enjoy!

Salad Plates from The Maxx...Plates from Big Lots.

Small Milk Glass compotes hold little apples.

White candles on glass holders.

Thank You Kathleen for hosting!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Lemon Slice Arrangement

Hi everyone and welcome to another Met Monday! Thank you Susan for hosting! Please visit Susan and all of the talented Morphers over at the porch!
Do you remember this arrangement? I used it for the centerpiece of my Citrus Sorbet tablescape a couple of weeks ago. It was pretty tall and airy, the kind of work I usually do...but I was inspired to try something a little different. So for this Met Monday I wanted to morph a sizable arrangement into a low, roundie, moundie (yes, I do make up my own words!:)

I've had these cylinder vases, you've seen them before too...

I nested the smaller vase into the larger one like this:

It created a "pocket", for lack of better word, of 1/2" or so.
And then guess what? I found artificial lemon slices!!! I had not seen these before, and you'll never believe where I got them! Joann's Fabric and crafts, I know, right?
It took six bags; a total of 26 slices, and they were only $3.99, and I used a coupon too! Now this may have been my imagination....but I swear they smelled lemony! :)

I filled the vase up with the lemon slices all the way to the top.....

Like this:

I took apart the big arrangement and did some cutting and made a lower centerpiece
Here it is! I'm still enamored with yellow and orange, even though I had a hard time putting away the turquoise from last Thursday, I love that color pallet too...things don't stay the same around here for taste ebb and flow like the tides!
This is perfect for summer...I think I'll keep it around for a while (maybe:)Thanks for visiting, and thanks again Susan!

Happy Metamorphosis Monday! Michelle

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

It's Father's Day and I wanted to share some random photos of my dad. He left this earth on 8.29.2005................I think about him everyday and I miss him everyday. A young solider...can you read what he wrote on the picture? To my loving wife, Ronnie How sweet!
This picture was taken in Key West, Fla. Circa 1990...we went down to the Keys for my graduation present...
Dad with baby Keegan and Michael (my nephew)

This picture was taken at my 24th Birthday Party
Taken at the Leaning Tower of Pisa Circa 1979
Dad, Mom and I (and Heather the dog!)
My Parents

I miss both of you so much!!
