
Monday, May 20, 2013

DIY Starfish Art

Since Summer is quickly approaching, this project would be a great way to add a beachy feel to your decor. A really easy technique that can be accomplished with any variety of starfish and of course any size frame. Also, I chose burlap for the background, but you could use any cloth you like.

This frame was a steal at the thrift store and I grabbed it up because 1.) It is a great size, 2.) Came with matting, and 3.) Has a great paintable frame in a style I like.

I found this bad of starfish at TJ Maxx and I grabbed it up thinking I would use them for bowl fillers, but then this art project came to mind-luckily, they was enough left over to do both.
First, I spray painted the frame in a glossy black, then proceeded to do a dry run with the starfish. Keep in mind to use starfish close in size for a nice uniform look.
I decided to use burlap in the background, so after finding the perfect starfish, I used Mod Podge to adhere the burlap to the foam core that came with the frame. You can also use spray adhesive......
...just remember to cut your cloth bigger than the matting.
Finally, with a glue gun, glue down the starfish. It will depend on the size frame you find or have, but 6 is what I used and it wasn't too crowded. I tucked a couple of vintage postcards under the matting, but you can use pictures, or leave it without...since the glass isn't there, why not stick some extra memorabilia in there! Completely optional.
I figure I will use the glass in a different project, the glass that came in the frame isn't used with this project-unless you use a shadow box style frame, which would look great too.
Such an easy project! You can have this done under an hour...depending on the spray paint you use. ;)

I am getting chemo this morning, so I will talk to you much later. Hope you will give this project a try! Happy Summer!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Quick Trip To NC

 When I found out that my nephew, Michael, was graduating...I knew I couldn't miss it. I was there when that child was born, I wasn't about to miss this huge milestone!! So even though I had chemo on the Monday before his event, I went ahead and booked a plane home. My home. North Carolina. Yep. the home that as a kid couldn't wait to get out of, runs to every chance I get.
My doctor gave me one of those Michelle-Edwards-has-cancer-letters to use at the airport, you know so I could get from gate to gate on one of those little glorified golf carts and wheelchairs from here to there, but I refused to use it. Stubborn much? Why yes, yes I am. I did not show anyone my little letter, but kept it close just in case. Actually the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport is quite easy to navigate...they even have those fast walking track things that helped me a while I watched other people whiz by me, much like what I would have been doing 2 years ago, I paced myself and made it to each gate at both airports without a hitch. My disease did not win that day...cancer 0-stubborn streak-1.
My sister picked me up at the airport and the adventure didn't stop until I left.
If you are with me on Instagram, you saw some more detailed pictures, but being home, with my family, near the ocean makes my heart sing.
The water is a little too cold still but the weather was wonderful.  
 We headed to Greenville to watch our dear Michael graduate. Here is my version of "Where's Waldo Michael"  :) Here's a hint: he's the only one in a bow tie! Love it!
Of course there was a little party to celebrate too
Proud Momma (my sister) and Michael.

My sister and I kissing the graduate.

Michael, I know you don't read my blog, but my heart is just bursting with pride. I am so proud of the man you have become and so honored to have witnessed you grow up and accomplish SO much already. I can't wait to see what the future brings. You are an amazing person and you inspire me! -Love Always Shell.

I have chemo on Monday (seems like I'm always saying that), so I probably won't be online again for a while. Summer is starting, the weather is heating up and it's my favorite time of year!  This short hair is going to be great during the summer-ha! Talk to you soon! 
If you haven't already, look me up on Instagram or Facebook, I'd love to see you there.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Embrace Color With Furniture Pieces

If you've been reading for even just a little while, you know that I have a booth space. It's not huge, but when I see a piece of furniture I snatch it up...just like this table. I have to love it, of course, and usually want it for myself, but that's the trick you can't save the good stuff for yourself. :)
It seems like every time I paint a piece a bold color, it I just follow my heart, listen to my gut and let the piece tell me what color it wants to be. This can be hard sometimes..."Will it sell?", "What if no one likes that color", "What will people think?"...these are the questions that ALWAYS surface when I see a piece of furniture that I'm considering for my booth.
But I try to smoosh the fear, wipe off the bottom of my shoe and go for it. I'm not saying it's easy, but just like the Artist, the biggest fear is a white just gotta do it-just start. That's what Mrs. Hile taught me in college anyway.

So this is how this little piece started. Gorgeous legs, fantastic shape is what you see, but in addition....damaged top, some gouges, and extremely dry wood-just begging for a nice layer of's the body lotion for wood ;)

Love the turned detail and cross members.

When I'm busy listening to the piece, I'm also thinking about the method of painting. I'm not a member of any particular camp, I spray, I hand paint, I use foam rollers, brushes...I'm like Switzerland. Neutral.
Whatever gets the job done.
When a piece is small and has lots of turned details like this table, spray painting is usually what I decide on. It just makes my life easier and really, can you imagine hand painting those legs?

I chose Blue Ocean Spray from Krylon for the color, I can't even count how many times I've used this color. It's right up there with Ivy leaf and they look great together too. I probably used three cans of paint in total.
I contemplated leaving it nice and smooth, but because of the obvious age of the piece, it seemed like some distressing was in order. Plus, I think it makes people feel like they can live with a piece a little better when they're not stressed with a "perfect finish"...although I haven't always distressed-see? Neutral.
I did not do any repairing on the top either-I embraced the imperfections and that is okay.
150 grit sandpaper used for distressing the edges and legs.
To knock the color down and stain the exposed wood (caused by the sanding), I used dark stain, just like the little green dresser.
Can I say how much I love this color? Go embrace your favorite color!
It's going to be hard to let this one go, but down to the booth she goes.
I am getting chemo today, then my trip, so I will not talk to you for a while. Thanks for being here anyway.


Friday, May 3, 2013

The Little Green Dresser (A Before and After)

I didn't think we'd be talking again before my trip! However, I wanted to get a couple of furniture pieces done for my booth space before I left, and I am really excited about this little transformation.

I found this sad, poor little dresser and thought it needed me. ;) It's not an heirloom piece, just simple construction and lines and fairly small. It said "kids room" to me for sure. The finish was in horrible condition, so I basically just had to decide what color I wanted to paint it.
The top of the dresser was even worse...
You might be surprised, but I spray painted this piece (except for the top)! I used Ivy Leaf from Krylon, which is one of my all time favorite colors.
With 150 grit sandpaper, I distressed the edges of the body and drawers.
Using Citrus Stripper, I stripped the top and re-stained it. Can you believe the renewal of the top, I was SO happy.
I also used the stain over the whole piece to knock down the brightness and stain the exposed wood. Finally, I did a coat of poly just to seal everything up.
Do you like the new knobs??? I wanted to pump up the look of this piece even more and made a beeline to Hobby Lobby to check out knobs. I found these speckled ceramic knobs and stopped looking, I think they really make the dresser! Don't they look like bird eggs (or is that just me)?
So off to the booth she goes, and hopefully to a good home.

Joining Miss Mustard Seed
