
Monday, May 25, 2009

Three or More Tuesday!

It's time for Three or more Tuesday!
Be sure to visit Tam and everyone at the Gypsy's Corner!

OK don't cringe!

I know everyone has just cleaned all of these out...

In my defense, I am a 70's girl...

I have 3 or more OWLS!!

I really don't like the realistic looking owls figurines or the macrame' owls, but I gotta tell ya, there's something kinda cute about an owl. :)

They remind me of that story...when I was in The Brownie's...The Brownie Story, with the Wise Old know the one.

I mean look at this one...wink, wink!!

Here's another cutie!

Speaking of cutie's...this is Logan, my side-kick...he helps me with all my Met Monday's, tablescapes and staging for photos for Etsy, he's my helper! :)Sorry, I couldn't resist!

I like wearing my little owl necklace too...

Thanks for stopping by!

I can't wait to see what you have 3 or more of!

Michelle & Logan


  1. I love owls. I ahve a very similar pewter owl necklace... but your lil cutie is best of all! AW!!!!!

  2. What a cute little helper you have. Great owl collection.

    Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

  3. Your owls are great, but your little cutie pie is just the best. Hugs, Marty

  4. You are right, there is something about an owl that draws me in. I think it is because they are cute and powerful all in one package. Yes, speaking of cute, oh my goodness.. Logan is a sweetheart. I like your blog very much. You had me hooked when you spoke kindly of Debbie Travis, whom I have had the pleasure of meeting.I call her the Queen of Color. She is just as lovely in person.

  5. Whooo doesn't give a hooot for owls. They are great. I especially like the necklace.


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