
Monday, October 12, 2009

Sprucing up the Kitchen

Sprucing up the kitchen and Helpful hints for displaying dishes.

I am a collector and creatively displaying dishes can sometimes be daunting.

I have a china hutch (with closed storage) and an open storage piece that I use. Of course I use the kitchen storage as well.

Now in my dream kitchen, I would have a combination of open and closed built In's...not to mention more square footage...but in reality, I'm gonna use what I've got.

Tip #1: Baskets for storage.

I found these square lidded baskets, approx. 12X12 that I store napkins in. I bought this particular style to fit on my shelving, but they are making baskets in all shapes and sizes to meet your needs. Baskets add great texture and color as well as function.

Tip #2 Limiting color pallet.

I have found what works for me is keeping a simple color pallet. I usually use white and one other color. For me, that's green. Of course the baskets provide a color of their own. All of my specialty plates that do not fit within the color pallet stay behind closed doors until the next Tablescape Thursday (wink;)!

Tip # 3 Visual Balance and repetition

Not everyone will have shelving like this, but I think you can take away some idea of what I mean by visual balance and repetition. since I am displaying dishes, stacking is almost a given. I actually really like seeing stacks of dishes. I think it looks really pretty.

Distributing color will also help with balance...I don't have all green and then all white...I broke it up from shelf to shelf. Notice also the texture (baskets) is distributed from shelf to shelf too.
On such a square unit, I used a lot of circles to break up all the lines...this shelf is perfect for dishes!

While still on the sprucing up mode I decided to do a different quick and simple centerpiece. I had an oval silver platter (thrifty love) that I combined candles, leaves & berries, and fruit, to make a colorful seasonal centerpiece

I used a tablecloth folded in half across the table for some additional seasonal flair.

I also did a couple of projects that I've been wanting to do and today was the day...

Remember this picture I took at Circle R Ranch? If you don't, you can read about it here. I decided that I wanted to frame it up and use it in the kitchen. It's just graphic enough that it's not too country for me....

I printed it out here at home, on good photo paper

Using some matting and a frame that I had around the house, I think it turned out beautifully and I displayed it on top of my dish display shelf.

I was thinking that later (when I get some extra coin) I could order a print of it even larger and and do the canvas look...that would be really great!

But for the now...I'm happy with the at home version! It's right at home amongst the milk glass and wicker...

I finally got around to hanging the chalkboard tray I did weeks ago. I have a small wall in between the back door and window perfect for hanging four trays, all thrifty love, and spelled out

H-O-M-E. Love it!

Blogged for Kimba's DIY Day.
Thank you for stopping by today!
I hope this has helped you and inspired you!


  1. The dishes look gorgeous the way you have them stacked. I just have too many for the storage I have. lol Hugs, Marty

  2. What a gorgeous have perfected the art of storage!!!


  3. Michelle-I love your shelving. I actually have quite a bit of storage in my kitchen and in the wet bar in the basement. Everything had a place...until I discovered blogging a few weeks ago. I keep bringing home things and right now I have a stack of plates and a silver coffee service sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for me to find them a place to go. You reminded me of a shelf I think I have in the storage room downstairs. I'm going to have to see if we still have it.

    I love your photo and it looks great framed.


  4. You are so talented! My house needs sprucing up...come on over!

  5. This is a beautiful post with lots of great tips! Your display is really a work of art, color, arrangement, textures, really all so wonderful!
    Great picture too, and the centerpiece was fantastic!
    Thanks for sharing it all!
    All the best,

  6. Love the wall of chalkboards. Love the new print for the kitchen. Fabulous photography!!!

  7. you have some great tips for displaying dishes. You have some really pretty pieces, I love those green bowls.
    That is a perfect picture for your space too, and it looks really good in the simple white and black frame.

  8. I love the way you arranged those shelves. With two toddlers and a business, I've been stuck in a rut with arrangements. This is so inspiring. Thanks for following my blog and I've definitely done the same. I can tell this is a place I'll come often for inspiration.

  9. Just looove how you displayed your dishes...and the wall of chalkboards is such an awesome idea...thanks sooooo much for sharing.


  10. Morning, Michelle! Oh, I just want your kitchen! Everything looks wonderful and love the fact you have such knowledge on arranging.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  11. How sweet & charming! I'm gearing up to do a kitchen sprucing up, and I'm definitely going to refer back to this! Thanks!

  12. Hi Michelle.
    This post was so well written and full of fantastic info., not to mention gorgeous photos of course. I love the way the framed "at home version" turned out. Fantastic!
    Now tablescaping is still crazy intimidating to me, but these were some great take home tips.


  13. What a gorgeous look!!! Your displays are wonderful, they look like a professional stylist arranged them. Love the framed print too!

  14. Love your shelves - love the arranging & the items... it so beautiful. I love your chalkboard tray home sign too.

  15. What an inspirational post-I am going to get my shelves organized right now....well maybe after I've read more of this beautiful blog! Signing up right now to be a follower! Best wishes, NM.

  16. hey michelle! wonderful! i am loving your blog! so much that i just became a follower! your photography is beautiful! thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment! the cartridge i used for the scallop was "accent essentials"! are you doing a theme for your sons party? let me know what you do! i would love to see! i hope you come again to visit! i would love it!

  17. Michelle, what a great post! Love everything you did especially the photo you printed and framed. Gives me some ideas!

  18. Pretty stuff! Looks very nice - your photographs are amazing!

  19. Thanks for all the creative ideas, your kitchen is beautiful. I loooove that photo you took and framed, it goes perfectly.

  20. Michelle- Wow you just chucked full this post with lots of great ideas!! I love the eye feast shelf display!! Your Home platters are great and what a great idea for that old wheel picture! And you get so much done!! wanna come expend some of that energy over here?????


  21. I love your design ideas! I had my kitchen remodeled a few years ago. But if I had it to do over, I would go with all open shelving on top. I like the drawers that replaced doors down below, which I can utilize better. But I also like the look of stacked dishes. I am very visual, and I don't like being blocked from all that color! I'm going to have to look into those baskets! Great ideas here!

  22. What a beautiful blog you have! Talent is overflowing here! Will be back often!



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