
Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas Village

I don't know why, but I love putting out my Christmas village! Maybe it's the nostalgia, maybe the connection to each building I feel. Each piece represents something in our life...the coffee shop for me, the gas station for Justin....Perhaps it's my inner child, playing with houses...what ever it is, I love looking at each and every one of them and I hope you do too!

This is not an expensive line, not Dept. 56, not even Lefton, I have collected it for about 10 years now from good ole' Walmart. I know right? Sadly, my collection has ended with 12 houses because the quality is just not there anymore. However, I will cherish this collection and hopefully it will survive for my children's children!

Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks for stopping by!

Go see Mary @ Little Red House to see other beautiful mosaics!


  1. Very pretty cottages...thanks for sharing your Christmas joy!!!

  2. My Mom has a village too. I love to check it out each year. I don't have a village...too much to dust! LOL...

    I love the rich colors in your village. Santa looks mighty cute too.

    Merry Christmas!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  3. I love Christmas villages too and I have some of the same ones.

    Merry Christmas!

  4. I love the Christmas villages and your mosaic is just lovely. Love the Santa face in the middle!

  5. How wonderful...the cost need not matter. Celebrate what brings you joy! I've been so busy with a last minute idea for my Christmas gifts that I haven't even pulled out my have a grand collection. Hope you have a grand day!

  6. Morning, Michelle! I love your little Christmas village mosaic!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  7. Aw...sweet. The villages are something I never started...I think I'm glad, they would add up quickly. Yours are darling no matter what brand they are. I do think if my blog is still around next year (it better be) that I will get out my daughter's doll house and decorate it. My dad made it for her when she turned 9 and it is huge. (She's 25 now) I think we all still love to play!

  8. These houses are adorable! I treasure mine as well and can't wait to bring them out each year.

  9. Your village is precious. I had one years ago...but decided to part with it. Not sure it was one of my brightest decisions...but trust me, I still am not hurting in the decorations dept!!

  10. What great pieces - very nostalgic! I can see why you enjoy putting it out each year!!

  11. Michelle,
    Your village is beautiful!
    Dee Dee

  12. I love the Christmas villages. Lovely mosaic and photos.
    For years we used the village houses around my son's train set.

  13. Lovely mosaics!

    Merry Christmas ~
    TTFN ~Marydon
    **NEW BLOG**


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