
Monday, January 18, 2010

So Fresh, So Clean: Tips for Spring Cleaning

1.a complete cleaning of a place, as a home, done traditionally in the spring of the year.

It's really strange and I feel like some kind of organizing freak, but every "New Year" I feel like clearing it all out! I want some room to breathe and in a small house, it's important for me to edit. Just an FYI, I'm typically the keeper of all things but during Spring Clean mode, I'm an iron maiden!

For Sarah's So Fresh, So Clean Party, I'll concentrate on the kitchen.

I've thrown in some of my pictures just for fun that make me feel fresh and clean too...
Click on the logo to take you to see Sarah and all the participants! Thank you Sarah for hosting and giving me a place to share my freaky "analism" !

copyright 2009


Thrifty Decor Chick

Deep clean the kitchen

I don't have a very big kitchen, so this task is not too daunting. In addition to my normal surface cleaning, here's what I like to do.

-Reorganize dish cabinets.

{Love this color pallet!}

- donate any chipped or broken dishes

-wipe out cabinets

-sort through dry goods, discard anything that is expired

-my medicine cabinet is in the kitchen too and I throw out all expired medicines

-organize spices, my husband is an avid cook, so I made a list of the in stock spices, so we aren't wasting money buying something we already have. I taped the list right inside the door.

This is the first time I've done this, but it has been really helpful, I mean how many more bottles of garlic powder are we going to buy? I mean really!...hence the list.

-DEEP clean the refrigerator.

This includes everything from discarding all yucky foods to pulling out the drawers and taking the shelves off the doors. I have learned that making a warm soapy bath in the tub for these bulky items is really the ticket for easy cleaning. I lay out a beach towel and let them dry.

-pull the stove out and clean

-I display a lot of my wares on top of my cabinets, so all of it comes down and a good hand washing for most of it, to get rid of that greasy dust stuff.

I have three household cleaners that I like to use

Comet, Clorox Clean-up, and Pine power (as opposed to pine-sol)

I am also a fan of the flour sack towel. For me, it is the best at drying fast and leaving no lint whatsoever, not to mention super cheap.

These are my go-to cleaners and I use them to deep clean the bathroom too.

More organizing happens in the rest of the house too, editing of clothing, for everyone in the house, especially Logan who is growing like a weed. Toys get edited for him too...I have actually given up a lot of clothes this year, and sadly some shoes too...I hate giving those up!

I'm not done by any means, but already the house is feeling lighter and brighter, every cabinet that I open, makes my smile, and I love how everything just sparkles! I have felt the urge to paint the living room this year too {much to my husbands dismay} So I will have fresh and clean walls too!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Spring Cleaning!


  1. You certainly have inspired me tonight to get things sparkly clean. Your stuff looks great.

  2. Looking great and thanks for passing your enthusiasm along!

  3. Your kitchen looks great! Love the tips too!

  4. Great taste and beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. I am in the same mood. Mine is even more extreme. I want to paint all the rooms on the main floor. We painted when we moved in 6 1/2 years ago and I want to freshen things up a bit. We are also doing some furniture moving around as well as a list of various other things. We always move at 6 years in a house...since we are staying put, I want to change things up a bit.



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