
Monday, March 29, 2010

Creating Festive Centerpieces

Candle centerpieces are certainly expected for an Easter Luncheon...but how creative you can get with ordinary items will make the difference in the everyday and the unexpected! I know I'm not alone when ribbon is being discussed, I have a vast collection of ribbon and think of it as half inch fabric on a roll! Love ribbon!

For this project, you'll need a few things:
Glass candle holder
Terra cotta pots
Krylon Spray paint (this color is Gum Drop)
ribbon (I chose 4 different kind)
Easter grass
Easter eggs
Hot glue gun

Now, if you say, "Michelle, I don't have that kind of candle holder!"

That's OK, this project is up to your interpretation, make adjustments where needed! If you need a larger or smaller pot, if you need a different color pallet...make it your own! Just remember, it's all in the details!

For example, the candle holders I have didn't exactly fit, but using a small pot inside the larger one, raised it up enough to work. I painted the terra cotta pot a beautiful shade of lavender, fitting for Easter....I didn't bother painting the smaller on inside, you'll never see it.

I added Easter grass

and eggs

Now I was ready to work on the candle holder. First I glued ribbon around the circumference of the holder. I did not glue on the glass, I glued the ribbon to itself, keeping it really tight. This will make it easy to remove and store until next time.

Next, using some coordinating smaller ribbon tie a shoe-string bow

Because of how tight the ribbon is, I found that using a small object to push the ribbon under worked best for me. I had an embossing tool close, but anything small would work

I used 3 different ribbons and thought it was looking great, very festive! Just tie a bow with each different ribbon!

But because I wanted this to coordinate with my floral centerpiece, I used some of the same flowers on the candle holder. Again, it's all in the details. I simply popped of 2 of the flowers, glued on a button and jazzed up the button with some little gems, and now I am really liking it!

I also jazzed up some ordinary taper holders with a small version, ribbon and a single flower

Drop by on Thursday and you can see the whole Easter Tablescape!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're inspired!

Show and Tell Green

SYS Thurs
The DIY Show Off


  1. You are SO creative! I love this idea! It is a good way to get a bunch of different candleholders/accessories look like they are a "set" and "matching". I'm going to give this a try! Can't wait to see your whole tablescape when the parts you've shown are this gorgeous!


  2. Another beautiful project! I am having Easter dinner at my house this year and I've been inspired by all of the gorgeous tables I'm seeing on the blogs to really dress mine up too. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Love this idea, Michelle! I'm printing you out for my Blog Ideas binder! : ) This would be so great for a baby or bridal shower, too.

  4. Greati idea!! Love the colors you choose.


  5. Very pretty and so creative! Thank you for sharing; lovely! Happy Easter to you and your family.


  6. Oh, I love this idea! I adore crafts using terra cotta pots. And you've nailed this one!

  7. What a cute centerpiece! I love the purple color. Beautiful table Michelle!


  8. DARLING! I especially like it all because it's purple!! Fab photos too! I heart your photography!!

  9. absolutely adorable! great job! I dropped in from Blue Cricket. Hope to see you back at my place soon! until later...


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