
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Easter Tablescape

Spring is almost here and although it's still pretty dismal outside, inside it's all about color! It won't be long and these colors will pale in comparison with God's natural beauty {I can't wait!} I hope to be doing several Easter themed tablescapes simply for ideas for you. Easter is not very far away and I hope you keep coming back for more ideas!This table scape features a couple of different things that I've made and a couple of things I used that is in honor of my Mother {miss you Mom!}

You probably notice my place setting centerpiece...the wonderful craft that was inspired by Laurie Davis (via Martha). I have since made a second cabbage basket and I have really been enjoying them! Aren't they a spectacular color?

I'm also using another fun craft I did, stiffening baskets. I had never done this before and I gotta tell you: I love 'em! The small ones are so cute!

I used one of the baby ones for this little fellas Easter basket with grass and eggs and of course under a glass cloche!
(How am I doing Marty? :)

The Claremont dishes that I practically use with every table scape, and a little milk glass plate that you can see peeking out from the cabbage leaves...

I used another doily basket for an inexpensive little figure I picked up years ago at Dollar Tree...they look so special now!

I filled the cabbage basket with my small glittered eggs

I love this chocolate bunny, found at TJ Maxx last year. I ran some ribbon through the doily basket, added Easter grass and he looks at home!

The sugar and creamer set my mother gave me about 10 years ago. It's from the Martha Stewart collection at Kmart. The color of the flowers were perfect with the color of the cabbage basket!
The tablecloth that I used was my's full of stains and worn in some spots but I don't mind a bit. It is in the most wonderful shade of aqua, that really complimented the cabbage. I love the combination!

Because I only did two cabbage baskets, I did two other place settings. A small milk glass compote with cheery pink grass and a single white glittered egg...simple and fun! Tuck a name card in and you're set!
For this place setting, a small doily basket with pink grass and 3 white glittered eggs for another idea, I think the white glittered eggs are so beautiful with the pink grass! I guess sweet would be the word I'd use!

It looks like he's sitting in a bonnet!

One more picture of the cabbage basket, I only took about a kagillion pictures of them!!!

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you're inspired!! Happy Spring to you!

Participating in the following fun parties, check them out!

SYS Thurs

Lianna @ Growing our own Garden

Thank you ladies!


  1. Love the cabbage leaves, Michelle! The bunnies are too cute and I love the ones you put under a cloche.

  2. Ok, you knew that you had me drooling at the chocolate bunny under the cloche, gorgeous and more gorgeous. Then the cabbage and the stiffened doilies, glitter eggs and all the fun colors of the grass. This is so pretty. I love how creative you are. Everything is just beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  3. Oh those cabbages are fabulous! Such a pretty table. The little doilie baskets are adorable. laurie

  4. So beautiful I love your style! The bunnies under cloches are such a great idea. I love the lace and how you put everything together. Very elegant!

  5. I'm feeling inspired. I am definitely going to make some of those baskets.


  6. Hi Michelle!
    What a fun tease for Easter and Spring. I love this time of year. Your cabbage baskets are so darn cute!! Love them...

  7. I love the chocolate bunnies.. I can't get enough of them myself.. And the cabbage is just wonderful.. Love it..
    Preemie Donna -

  8. Lovely table. I like the fact that you use the same dishes over and over. I have a set of everyday white stoneware that I accessorize over and over. Certainly saves on buying more dishes. Thanks for sharing! Happy Easter

  9. Stunning! I love, love, love the cabbage baskets.

  10. Hi Michelle...

    Ohhhh my...what sweet Spring/Easter fineries!!! It's all so lovely, my friend...I really enjoyed all the beautiful color! I will have to go and check how to make the cabbage baskets or nests...they are sooo pretty! They make the prettiest individual place setting centerpieces! Love, love, LOVE your stiffened crochet doily baskets too! You know, that was really popular several years back...but I hadn't seen any of these pretties for a long time! I had forgotten all about them! They really are fabulous and I would really like to make a few...I have already added starch to my list! Hehe! I really enjoyed all of your sweet bunnies...of course, you know how I like my bunnies! What a gorgeous table, was such a treat to see! Thank you for sharing it with us!!!

    Also wanted to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Spring Green tablescape and for leaving such a sweet note! Thank you!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  11. You have a gift!!!! Your table is so beautiful and those cabbage baskets are glorious!

  12. Your table is beautiful and your pictures--you are quite the photographer! I was so impressed with your thoughts about the tablecloth--and the stains--that they were pleasing to you. You understand the joy that was present when those stains were made at the table. Bless your heart!

  13. Just precious! Can you do a tutorial on the cabbage baskets? I would love to know how you made them!

  14. What a cute Easter table. Love the cabbages. The white eggs are pretty against the pink grass & aqua background. It's Easterlicious! :)

  15. That is gorgeous! I glad you took so many pictures of the pink cabbage. It was hard to stop looking at them, so pretty! I love it all. Really nice spring table.
    Win Rachael Ray bake ware at my blog.

  16. That is so pretty! I have to go see how you did that.. It looks complicated!
    Have a great weekend!

  17. Love your cabbage and lace baskets and your pretty tablescape. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your nice comment. Come back soon.

  18. Loving your clouche centerpiece and the bunnies. They are gorgeous.

    Fantastic idea.

  19. JUST STUNNING! Who heads up this blog party? I want in and don't know where to sign up. If you would please send me the link or comment back on my blog with it I'd appreciate it! Can't wait to see what you come up with next! I LOVE Milk Glass and have a thing for Cabbages!

  20. This is so beautiful. I especially love the cabbage baskets

  21. One of my favorite things to decorate with at Easter is a tiny white hanky that my mom embroidered when she was a little girl. It has a little bunny and carrots. It was always special to me, but became even more so when she passed away five years ago. I enjoyed looking at your Easter decorations and the things of your mother's that you incorporated. Thanks for sharing!

  22. absolutely delightful! What a beautiful table top! I hopped over from Somewhat Simple. I would love to invite you over to my place one day this week when you have a moment. until later...

  23. Michelle,
    Yet another fantabulous tablescape! you out did yourself!! Love it! I'm so glad you joined the Easter Roundup!
    Happy Easter!

  24. I've been trying to find those cabbage leaves at Michaels and can't seem to get them in my area. Did you happen to find those cabbages in Spring?

    1. Jen,
      I did the cabbage project about 2 years ago and I haven't seen the cabbage at Michael's in a long time. They must have stopped stocking them. I have found similar cabbage at that would work.


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