
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Upcycled Ornaments

Just like with everyday decor, I go through my Christmas ornaments and decor to edit. To see what I am just not in love with anymore, to giveaway or sell ornaments that are just not my style anymore.

So while sorting and editing, I ran across these great finial ornaments. Great size. Great shape, but I don't use them. I realize that I very much like the shape, just not the color. So I decide to do a little upcycling.
What's upcycling? You might ask? My response: "It's taking something that would otherwise be thrown out and finding a way to make it into something else." Enter glitter. Now if you've been to my Etsy Shop, you are well aware of my love affair with glitter. Antique Silver glitter to be exact, so naturally, that's what I did. I mean, everything looks better with glitter.

So here's what you're gonna need:
Mod Podge (and small bowl to pour it in)
Glitter in your choice of color
(specifically Martha Stewart Glitter)
Paint Brush
Container for glitter

First, get a container ready. I used one of those plastic containers from the deli at Wal-mart, emptied and washed, of course, they have a great lid and are perfect for rolling my little acorns around....anyway, any container will work. Basically it's to catch the glitter, and because I'm a glittering fool, I store the glitter in it. I don't bother putting it back in the bottle.

Because of the size of these ornaments, about 11 inches, I did the bottom half and then the top half, letting it dry in between. Using a paint brush, coat the ornament with Mod Podge.

Sprinkle the glitter onto the wet glue, over the container. Let dry.
Once the bottom half is dry, do the top half. Let dry.
Now you have ornaments that you love once again! Of course with all of the colors that Martha has with her glitter line, you can really customize your look. I find her glitter to be the best on the market. It's practically magic. It doesn't matter what color anything is, the properties of the glitter covers anything!

I also upcycled some glass balls and tied little silver bows on each one.

Yes, glitter makes the world go round!

Thanks so much for stopping by, I hope you're inspired!
Don't have the time? That's ok, click on my Etsy button I've been glittering for you too! :)



  1. Love them. Silver glitter makes everything nicer I say. :)

  2. They are simply stunning! You did a wonderful job! I love them and thanks so much for sharing how you did them.

    I would love for you to come by the blog and maybe think about linking up a giveaway to our Christmas Giving Giveaway event. It's kinda sad right now as I was hoping for a bigger turnout. :( Anyway would be thrilled if you joined in.

  3. pretty, pretty, pretty!

    love martha stewart glitter too! but have you ever tried german glass glitter....

    that stuff is amazing!

  4. What a great idea. I have some odd colored ornaments that I will definately do this to. Thanks so much for inspiration.

  5. I love MS's glitter! It's the only one I use!

  6. Great idea Michelle - I love how the ornaments turned out! You are right, Martha glitter is the best!

  7. What a great idea Michelle, I love that you upcycled your ornaments and that they turned out so well. They look stunning. Thanks for sharing. xx

  8. The ornaments turned out beautifully. I love glitter too!!!! What a great idea. I have lots of ornaments that I don't use that would look great with glitter.

  9. Love how they turned out! Where do you get your Martha Stewart glitter?

  10. Fabulous job on the upcycling Michelle! Really lovely result! Angie xo

  11. Hi Michelle...

    I guess I never thought about "upcylcling" my ornaments before...but what a GRAND idea! I love your finial ornaments turned out! You're sooo right...everything looks prettier with a little glitter!!! Hehe! Thanks for the inspiration, my friend!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  12. I love these ornaments. They look gorgeous(and would fit perfectly on my christmas tree ;))
    I'll definitely give it a try.

  13. They turned out great, I see some glitter in my future:@)

  14. Great idea, Michelle! I'll have to keep that in mind when I start going through my ornaments. Your finial ones turned out great in the silver. Thanks also for the recommendation on the Martha glitter. I don't use it a lot, but I'd like to keep some on hand. Next trip to Michaels, glitter is on the list!

  15. Glitter makes the world go round! love that and love your "new" ornaments.

  16. What beautiful ornaments ... I love the glitter. Thanks for having stopped by ... you mentioned joining Etsy, had been thinking about that, thanks for the nudge. Maybe its something I will look to do soon. I can see I will have lots of fun browsing here and certainly will be returning (lots). Have a wonderful day.

  17. Beautiful!

    The more sparkles, the better.

    I love Christmas!!!

  18. Love it!! I just bought glitter and glue to do something similar the other day.......I LOVE the idea of recycling old ornaments!

  19. I love your blog! Saw you over at Tatertots & Jello...just became a follower!

    Kaitlyn @ The Birds Nest

  20. Love it! What a simple idea that makes a huge impact!

  21. And just about an hour ago I was standing at Michaels staring at the Martha Stewart line of glitter. I don't have any, and haven't started "the glittering" yet. But now I may have to go back and get some!

  22. What a BEAUTIFUL blog you have!! This is such a genius idea!

  23. Absolutely gorgeous, what doesn't look good with a heap of glitter!

  24. What a great idea! I know we have a ton of ornaments in that same category that may be getting that treatment this year!

  25. Stunning! I love them and the silver is just beautiful. Great "Up-cycling"!

    Best wishes,

  26. I can't wait to explore your blog more! Love the ornaments! My mom has some old ornaments with a great shape but the colors don't match her tree anymore. So, we will be trying this soon!

  27. so very pretty.. they look great. I agree... everything looks better with glitter!

  28. What a great idea, they look pretty and fresh.

  29. Beautiful! Gotta love that glitter. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love your blog!

  30. Love love love! Those finials look much better this way!! :)

  31. When I unpack our Christmas decorations this year, I'm going to look at everything in a whole different light. I believe I see some glitter in my future ... thanks for the great idea!!!

  32. Very cute. Why does glitter make everything better???

  33. Love it!
    This would be a great way to put all the after Christmas clearance sales to good use. You could pick up a bunch of ornaments in different shapes and sizes and then glitter everything to match. It wouldn't cost much and you'd have a head start on next year's holiday decorating! hehe ;)

  34. Your ornaments are absolutely goreous!!! I have some ornaments that are chipping...this is a great idea to 'upcycle' those! Thanks for the idea!
    Shantel @

  35. I love these. They look so elegant. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  36. Hi Michelle, You are making we want to pull out every ornament from last year and get to glittering! These look fantastic. Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase Party - I greatly appreciate it. I have featured this today. Hope you are enjoying your week. ~ Stephanie Lynn

  37. Love the "candycoated" ornaments that were sprayed brown on the HGTV Handmade Christmas site. How did you make the drip coating on the top of the ornament? Love your ideas!


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