
Friday, October 14, 2011

Blooming Mums and Daisy

I am not the greatest gardener at all, I'll be the first to tell you this......but I have a tiny tiny flower bed that I pay special attention to (it's about all I can handle) and it is bursting with mums.
I took this picture on Wednesday ( Oct. 5th)

...and took this picture on wednesday (the 12th) and there is still some that haven't bloomed! I know these are a little overgrown ( I didn't get to cut them back this past spring) but I think they have turned out ok!!

The kale is growing nicely and I planted pansies too.

I love the purple with the fall tones.

Such beautiful color!

Mums are high impact and super showy

Here is our girl Daisy. She waits for me while I'm outside working, this is a good pose of her...usually she's rolling around in the grass or sleeping on the sidewalk.

On a side note, I have drs. appointments on Monday and Tuesday so I won't be around. I should really sit down and write a post pertaining to my sickness/surgery/recovery. But it's just no fun. :) I'm sorry if you have been curious, I know it just seems like I haven't talked about it at all. Maybe one day soon.

Have a great weekend!

Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!


  1. Hey Michelle! Your flower bed is so nice and full! Your mums are gorgeous! I had no idea until recently that they were perennials! Daisy is such a pretty girl. Enjoy your weekend! Hope your boys are over pink eye real soon.

  2. How gorgeous, Michelle! They look so beautiful around your birdbath.

  3. I hope your boys heal quickly and I pray that whatever your illness, God will heal you quickly and completely as well!! Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful creativity. You are most inspirational! I've been too fearful of messing up to step out and try even small projects. But you've shown me not to fear the mistakes but make the most out of them. Through a little trial and error we can all stretch out, learn and become great. Thank You!!

  4. Looks like your flowers are in full bloom! How pretty! Love the picture of Daisy:)


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