
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

15 Years Ago...

It just seems like yesterday I was holding you in my arms.

Everyone always asked how I came up with the name Keegan. I wish there was a great story around it, some historical family figure, I named you after, but nothing so exciting. I was rocking in a recliner 9 months pregnant, still clueless on what to name you.....just flipping through a name book....

I stopped looking after finding Keegan, I loved it right away. The meaning is: Little fiery one.

....and you live up to that name daily. Full of personality, life, energy and humor

Sportsman, athlete
explorer, student

laid back, silly, funny

smart , handsome

I don't know how it happened

but you grew up right in front of me.

I am so proud of you and so blessed that God chose me to be your Mom.

Where does the time go???

Happy 15th birthday to my first born. You mean so much to me.

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  1. Such a beautiful post Michelle! Happy Birthday to your son!

  2. I have twin boys turning 15 this December. I guess I needed a good cry today. I understand your happiness and how time just flies. I can tell you are very proud of your son as I am of my boys!!! Ditto Brandi, a beautiful post Michelle!

  3. Wonderful walk down memory lane. Handsome son.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  4. Happy Birthday Keegan and may you be blessed with many more. Beautiful post!


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