
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

First Day of Chemotherapy

I'm writing this morning because there was no way I would be sitting up, much less typing, after my day yesterday, but this morning....I am a little better.

Yesterday, was the first day of chemo, it sorta felt like the first day of school, I didn't know anyone, didn't know where to go, where to stand, what to MIL was with me so at least I didn't have to feel like a goof ball alone (which is how I felt on first days of school :)

All and all it went pretty smooth, I didn't start to feel bad until a couple of hours after I got home. I felt ok, then all of a sudden I didn't feel so hot. I was given nausea medicine before the chemicals so I didn't feel nauseated....I felt like I'd been hit by a truck and I couldn't move....later a killer headache came...I just laid in bed and never got up. I finally shuffled out to eat dinner and to watch The Voice...then shuffled back. They told me in Chemo Ed that the first time is going to be the body was just going to be in shock for a while. I've got three more days and Wednesday and Thursday are six hour drips. God give me strength.


  1. Sorry that the first day took it out of you so much. Praying that from now on things are easier and the all clear isn't to far away.

  2. Michelle: I hate that you have to go through this. Please know that prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Tricia

  3. Praying for you Michelle! Hang in there! God doesn't give you more than you can handle! :)

    Lots of strength and well wishes!!!

  4. i am praying for ya, michelle. hang in there... you have the strength within you.

  5. Having found out that my mom has lymphoma last year, my heart goes out to you. I will be praying for you!

  6. Michelle I'm thinking and praying for you to have a fast healing and healthy long and hugs, your positive attitude will help you through it all. Get some rest.

  7. I am so sorry for your pain. I have several friends going through this right now and

  8. Michelle you are in my prayers daily...actually several times a day and it was so strange when I read your words about feeling like you had been run over by a truck, because those were the exact same words my next door neighbor used to describe how she felt after her first chemo treatment, but she is doing much better and like you said that first one is a stinker and now you can have your game face on because you know what to expect. I am praying that this time will go quickly and that the healing will be complete. Stay tough!

  9. Thinking of and praying for you. I don't know if this will help(they say misery loves company!), but a sweet woman who is also undergoing chemotherapy has a blog that is now following her cancer battle- - She is so upbeat and offers a lot of hints on how to handle the miserable side effects of the medicine. Hope this helps.

  10. I'm thinking of you and sending prayers for you daily. I so wish you didn't have to go through all this. I know you are helping others by sharing this journey. We love you, stay strong, girl!

  11. God Bless You and Keep can do this.

  12. Michelle, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I just went through a one year stint with a friend who was diagnosed with cancer in spring 2011. There is light at the end of the tunnel as she found it. Good luck and God be with you.

  13. Michelle,

    Stay will get through this.I'm praying for you everyday.

  14. Lots of prayers are going up for you. Hope it gets a bit better.
    Hang in there.
    God bless....

  15. I will keep you in my prayers. I can't imagine how it feels but I know God will give you the strength you need to fight through this!

  16. Attitude is everything and I know you will make it through this. Praying for you and your family.

  17. When you are standing on the edge of the cliff, looking out and wondering how you will go on, ready to take the next step, one of two things will happen...either God will catch you and carry you will find your wings and fly! Believe in your own inner strength, it is greater than you realize...part 1 0f 2

  18. part 2 of 2...I believe in that inner strength you yet realize you have because I saw it in my Mother when she was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 20 years ago, I saw it 6 years ago when she had her stroke and this past year when she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer, followed by a heart attach and recently having her gall bladder removed. Yep, lifes not fair, but your faith and positive attitude can do things that still amaze Doctors. Look to summer, Look to running in warmth of the sun! Keeping you in our prayer circle!, Megan

  19. Michelle, I will be praying hard very specifically this week that you'll start to feel better soon and that the chemo will start working quickly and with very little side affects. We have a prayer hearing God that we can pray very specifically to, He's the great physician and he will get you through this valley in your life! "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" Philippians 4:13. ~ Jamie

  20. Good Morning Michelle Sweetie...
    Oh I am storming the heavens this morning for you dear friend and will continue as long as this journey takes you. You are not walking alone dear friend.

    Remember baby steps and one day at a time. I will be watching for updates dear friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  21. I am praying for you, Michelle. You are a strong, beautiful, positive woman.

  22. God bless you as you go through this trial!

  23. I'm sending you wishes for strength and healing Michelle. Surround yourself with people and things that make you happy and stay focused on the end result - being healthy and well!

  24. Praying for you Michelle...I wish you all the best for a full recovery!

  25. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  26. I'm so sorry. Chemo stinks. But, chemo can make you better, so I am thankful for that. During hard times, this verse has always encouraged me. Hebrews 12:2, "who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame." May the Lord help you focus on something joyful from His Word when you have to endure. Praying!

  27. Michelle you are God's child and your heavenly Father is watching over you. He is there to give you His strenght and to hold your hand. God bless you and keep you safely wrapped in His arms.

    They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as an Eagle. They shall run and not be weary, walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

    Lifting up prayers for you my friend.

  28. Ti auguro tutto il bene possibile!
    Un saluto

  29. you are in our thoughts and prayers

  30. May all the strength of our combined prayers be with you and keep you; giving you whatever you need in the moment-strength, courage, peace and above all healing. All this I ask for you, for you family and those who medical professionals who are helping you.
    In His name

  31. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers as you face this, Michelle.

  32. Oh, Michelle: Honey, I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. But try to think of it as one day closer to being all better. One day at a time..Take care, Judy Thank you for the idea of the forsythia door basket. I made it and it is beautiful. Just think about those blooms when things get too dark.

  33. Be gentle with yourself and let your body do its work with this treatment you need.
    Hugs from Judith

  34. Oh Michelle, my heart ached when I read this post. I feel so badly for you and I absolutely hate what you are having to go through. But you must. You must get through every ounce of it so you can come out on the other side a whole healthy person. So please dear one, hang in there and do it with every bit of gusto you can muster and I will pray and pray and pray. Carol

  35. Praying for you. I hope it gets better soon.

  36. michelle~

    love you dear girl...i wish there was something i could do to ease your pain and worry...
    i am sending you all my thoughts and are such an amazing, beautiful soul...


  37. Praying for you Michelle!

  38. Stay strong sweet friend ! You have so much to look forward to! My thoughts are with you. I went through this with my very best friend ,it is very hard but it will pay off!

  39. Stay strong and remember these verses:

    Bless the Lord O my soul and forget not all his benefits; Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases, who redemeth thy life from destruction, who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfieth thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles.

  40. I found your blog because of all your cute ideas for the home. Now I read your blog to see how your doing and holding up. I have cried reading your blog numerous times and want you to know you are in my prayers and thoughts. I can tell you are an incredible woman and just know your Heavenly Father is with you every step of the way. You are not alone.

  41. Prayers for strength and healing are headed your way. Bless your heart.

  42. Michelle I'm sorry for you pain. I hope all goes well.


  43. Continuing to pray for you: mercy, peace, strength and healing!

  44. Prays and does get better...the chemo drugs today are much better than the ones I had back in the 70's. And at least now they can give you something for the nausea. Hang in there are stronger than you know.

  45. Dearest Michelle,
    I'm sad that you are suffering and praying for God's loving hands to comfort you this week.

  46. Praying for you Michelle. God bless you and your family.

  47. Wishing you strength and faith as you go thru this most difficult time.

  48. God bless you, honey. I am thinking of you and praying for you.
    With love and caring,

  49. God bless you and keep you strong. You can fight this!

  50. Michelle, yesterday was my first day on your blog and I am obsessed. I love your style and all that you do. I want you to know that I have added you to my prayer list. I know it has to be hard sharing about your cancer but please know that you are an inspiration and a hero. As you share the hard times, you make me feel that I could do it too. If that is what God has for my future, I can be a godly role model to others as you are to your followers. Keep on and may God's grace be with you every minute, particularly this week.

  51. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  52. I dont know you, but I watch your blog. You are in my prayers and in my heart.

  53. I will be praying for you. Hope you are well very very soon. Never give up. Never give in. You can do this.


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