
Monday, October 8, 2012

31 Days With ME: The Next Step

Welcome to day 8 of my 31 days series. I can't believe an entire week has transpired! The week has flown by but I won't pretend, blogging every single day hasn't  been a real workout, it has! I haven't watched one episode of Murder She wrote or pinned one image all week! :) I guess something has to give right? ;) I have orders and shipping to do today, but I did want to share with you what the doctors have told me about the next step in my battle.

Do you like my wig? I don't think I've shown you very many pictures with it on, just when I first picked it out. I have not worn it very much at all this summer, it was so hot, but now that the temps are cooler, I welcome it's warmth. I almost look normal!

Last week, I had my doctor's appointment to talk about what we are going to do next. The current regimen of chemotherapy is not working so it has to change. So I will be starting a different drug to try to kill the cancer. It will still be intravenous, but not four different drugs for a solid week every month like before. 
This is a different route than I thought we would take, we've never even talked about this drug....and of course I can't remember the name right now. On the 10th, I have to go through chemo ed again to talk about the side effects and what will me happening to my body.
I'm trying not to worry too much, once again pushing off into uncharted territory. I just have to keep stepping up, keep going. On the 15th I start the new drug, at first everyday for one week and then one day a month after that. So the week of the 15th I'm a little worried, the doctor did  mention vomiting and nausea as side effects...he told me more, but it started going in one ear and out the other...more vomiting? More nausea? I really don't like those two. 
On the bright side, this new drug will not effect my hair, so it will start growing a matter of fact I do have fuzz. Fuzz people!! I would love to show you a picture of my fuzz, I'm so darn proud of it, that my hair remembers how to grow...but I doubt I've got the nerve, although I seem to be baring the bald over on instagram, what's the difference?
SO, I'm also disappointed at the thought of not completing my challenge here, this series...I know that it is the least of my worries, but I really wanted to do this...this was my 'I can do this even with cancer' challenge.:) We will have to see, maybe I will be alright...maybe the side effects will be easy on me. I know you all won't be mad at me if I miss a week or so. I will, however, talk to you tomorrow...I've got till the 15th!



  1. I pray the new chemo works & that you don't have any side effects from it. You are so brave-I think of you often throughout my day & say a little prayer for you as I do. I have enjoyed your posts every day & getting to learn more about you.

  2. Your spirit is so uplifting! Let's hope together that this new round of treatment is going to kick it! Prayers~

  3. Praying the new chemo is successful! You're such an inspiration.

  4. michelle, i keep thinking of you and i am praying that this new drug is exactly what you need to win your battle!

  5. I am praying for you right now. What a beautiful picture of you and your hubby.

  6. Sending prays for you! That is a beautiful photo. I hope you enjoy your day:-)

  7. I'm so impressed with your honesty and strength. You can do this!!! If your blog challenge is important to you to, maybe just a sentence a day? You are incredible!

  8. Will keep you in our thoughts and prayers...
    your spirit will help you through whatever is to come

  9. Stay strong Michelle. Thinking about you over here :)

  10. I know the posts you write about the cancer treatments must not be the ones you enjoy doing very much. For all of us that are pulling for you and keeping you in our daily prayers, we want to know how you really are. These posts surely are helping others that are going through a similar journey. I want all the best for you. You so deserve it!!

  11. God bless you sweet girl, as you enter into this new journey knowing that God is right there with you. Blessings to you and your family. I so enjoy your blog. And a little vacation from it, will only make us happier to hear from you when you are feeling up to and growing stronger again.

  12. Michelle, please don't feel obligated to post each day if you aren't feeling well. You've posted more this week than I've posted all year on mine - haha!!!

    Just take care and know that we are praying for you. (((HUGS)))

  13. I wish that there was a like button for the comments, as I agree with all that has been said! Praying that all will go well.

  14. Michelle, You are so brave and inspiring as you wage this battle. Please know that by sharing your struggle you are helping others too. My dear friend who went through chemo treatments found that wearing SeaBands (seasick or motion sickness bands for your wrists) help with the nausea. You can get them in most drug stores. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. God Bless you.

  15. I will continue to pray for you. I hope the chemo change will be effective. Love the honesty in your posts. These can't be easy posts to write so thank you for the updates. Wishing you a positive result and less fatigue this round.

  16. Hearing all this.... :-(

    Waiting to hear good news.... :-)

    That is me...being silly...cause I seriously don't know what to say. I have been reading your blog for so long that I feel like we are friends...even though you don't know anything about me. I so want you to be well.

    Gloria in Virginia

  17. Michelle, I'm so sorry that you are having to go through this again. Please know that there are a lot of prayers being said for you and your family. Sending a hug and some love along to you.

    Barbara in St. Louis

  18. One day at a time prayers and hugs....Pat H

  19. You're going down this road and you realize you aren't on the right road. So you turn down another road. And you discover this is quite possibly the right road to get to your destination. If you can't see it any other way, and trust me I don't know how in the world you're seeing it at all with what you're going through, then see it as 'gotta turn' or I won't get to the destination. And I must get to the destination. Why this came in my mind at this time, I'll never know. It just poured out of me and I had to share it. You hang in there Michelle. You can do this. You 'sound' so utterly strong. Carol

  20. I am enjoying your posts! Thank you for the update on your health. I, too, think about you at random times throughout the day, and I pray that your new treatment does the trick!

  21. Sister , hang on and hang in there. Many prayers are being said for you, and all is possible through God. Do wish there was a like button too. Because you get such great advice . I'm thankful to all that support you with their prayers. Do love the daily posting but your health is first so don't over do it if you need a break. Love you always Klair NC

  22. We'll miss you while you're undergoing chemo but you'll be in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.

  23. Were praying for you, Michelle!


  24. I am new to your blog and have been enjoying your posts. I look forward to many more! Take care of yourself first and foremost - you are in my prayers.

  25. The word I see often? Prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, you have joined women who like you like to be creative. And that is how we 'met' Michelle. Will you teach her that Jesus loves her but not cancer? Will you teach her that You will help her, You are a whisper away? That you love her enough to give your Son for her? That she is of great value to us who love to read her blog and enjoy her creative energy? Fill that hole she expressed. Put a person in her life to explain prayer. That we care and you say Pray. So today as each day, from my own sick bed I too join others in praying for Michelle. Help her feel Your Joy giving her strength. Amen

  26. Oh Michelle, I reread my post and just said Amen. I'm sure God understands but it is in Jesus precious name I pray and in the power of His name
    May you enjoy your boys the best these next few days!

  27. I will pray the new treatment works and that you will have the least amount of bad side effects. Your wig looks great btw. Glad you are getting some fuzz! That must feel great.
    Peace to you and your family!


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