
Friday, November 2, 2012

Christmas Wreaths and Whining

Did everyone have a fun and safe Halloween? We had great weather and a great turnout....another one for the books, we started with 300 treat bags and had 14 left over. Needless to say, a lot of cute little kids (and big kids!) came to our neighborhood for trick or treating. I dressed up as G.I. Jane, which was completely in keeping with the amount of hair I now have. You can check out some pictures on Instagram (sweetsomethingdesign) if you'd like to see. I wore Cami's, a green shirt, and dog tags. It was a fun night and because of my 'costume' I didn't feel self conscious about my hair (or lack there of).
If you've been wondering what I've been up to, I've been working on making wreaths for my shop. Also, I need to whine a little bit, the neuropathy in my hands (and feet) is so bad I can hardly type or design, and it's making me SO mad! I have been taking Neurontin, which is suppose to help, but it makes me so dizzy that I can't drive (or walk straight :), and obviously, I must what in the heck am I suppose to do? Get dizzy or deal with the numbness and tingling....ok, I'll stop whining now. I'll show you some pretties instead of whining. :) I know it's only November 2nd, but as you know, in business, you have to be ahead of the I hope you enjoy even though Thanksgiving is in 3 short weeks.

I have my next chemo treatment on Monday :( but I hope to post some before then, my 31 series has gone to pot!!


  1. Hang in there Michelle. Maybe you can strategically plan to take the medicine on days when someone else can do the driving for you. Because I think crafting is therapeutic and medicine to your have to keep that up too :)

  2. Hang in there, and it's OK to "whine" Thx for sharing your journey with us. E

  3. Hey I'm the biggest whiner there is. Love all those wreaths. Beautiful!!

  4. It's okay to let it out here. So sorry for all your pain. I love the Christmas wreaths. Glad you had a good Halloween. We live in the country so no one was knocking on my door. I miss all the little kids. Good luck on Monday, I will be saying prays for you!

  5. I love that wreath with the snowy pine and the tartan bow and the rusty jingle bells! Gorgeous. Stay strong Michelle, we love you.

  6. Hey Michelle, it's Monday and I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for you today! Loved seeing your wreaths - such a beautiful talent you have!! and loved hearing those complaints because it's only human! (my dad suffers from neuropathy too - can be very painful)
    Take advantage of any rest time you get......think of it as strength building.
    Love from Northern CA,

  7. Beautiful wreaths! I'm keeping you in my thoughts; thanks for all your honesty with these posts!!

  8. Hi Sister, I am here to check in on your world. Yes we talk often (text) but it"s not the same as seeing things through your eyes from the photos. Glad that you are able to post again]. I love the halloween table scape, and your Christmas wreath are lovely . Now about the whining , more room on the outside so vent all you want. I disagree about your comment 31 one days going to pot. Just keep going, until you get to 31 . No one said it had to be just in Oct. It's 31 days with ME. That is the really special part, to share time with you through your thoughts and talent. So swim little fish except for napping, Hope you stick to your goal. I love you always Klair


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