
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Snapfish Holiday Cards

 Well, I've done something I've never done before and wanted to do a little 'toot-toot' for first of all...the thing I've never done before is ordered cards online using our family pictures. This might sound like a sponsored post, but it is not, I am just so pleased with how the Thanksgiving and Christmas cards turned out, I'd simply recommend them. I order a lot of regular prints from Snapfish, because I like the convenience of uploading pictures and having them shipped to me, easy peasy...part of the beauty of living in this digital age... but I piddled around with the card making section and selected a Thanksgiving one:
 This is the 5X5 size. I used pictures from this year and last year. Some with hair, some without and some with my wig on.

   The flat style allows you to have the pictures on the front and the   message on the back (and on this style, another little picture).

 And a Christmas one. I haven't sent the Christmas ones out yet, but will soon after Thanksgiving. (which is 10 days away, ahhhh!!!) I liked this one even better! Pictures of the boys and Logan holding up the snowflake is so cute...I think he was 3 in that picture.

 I'm just loving the whole flat card thing (this one is the 5x7) and on card stock....but there are tons of styles to choose from.
This is the back:

Have you ever used an online card company before? If so, which one do you like?



  1. I haven't heard of that company. I always just use Shutterfly, but I'll have to check them out. I really like your red Merry Christmas card. Too cute!

    Southern Hospitality

  2. wonderful cards!!! I'm goin to see if I can found something like this here in Spain... wishes!!!

  3. You are very talented. I recently discovered your blog via pinterest. Keep up the beautiful work. Please know that a girl in Colorado is praying for your healing. God bless you.

  4. Those are just beautiful Michelle. I've used Walgreen's, but have heard great things about Snapfish. Always praying for you..

  5. Your cards are beautiful Michelle. I've never used Snapfish but will check into it.

    Thanks for sharing.


  6. Your cards are really nice. I usually make mine at Walgreens. I need to get busy and do a family picture :) Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Wow!! You are super efficient! I like the cards. I've not used snapfish--just Walgreens but I really like the square and cardstock feature with a message on the hubbie agreed to us doing a photo card this year. Maybe I will?!! As usual, you've inspired us all to get with it!! As my Mom always says (in other words, don't procrastinate!)
    Blessings to you,
    And praying every day

  8. Michelle, that picture of you and your hubby in the upper left hand corner of the first card....goodness are smokin hot in that pic...even with no hair!!! What I wouldn't pay to have a jawline like that!!!

    Gloria in Virginia
    Happy Thanksgiving (next week)!!

  9. They turned out awesome! I have used Snapfish before for the cards and have made a personalized book for Fathers Day before...too fun! For my daughters graduation last May I used a company called Purple Trail to do her announcements. They had a booklet style format that allowed me to have more photos and information about her college plans, for out of town family and friends. Just a little FYI since you have one growing up on you too, LOL. As always your organizational and planning skills are IMPRESSIVE!!

    Your in my prayers,

  10. I love the cards, glad I received mine before reading this post and can't wait to get the Christmas one. Logan eyes are so beautiful and Keegan is so handsome. Another good thing about the snapfish is you can order pic for your sister that is computer challenged and have them mailed to her a super BIG win, win. thank you. love you always klair

  11. I actually use snapfish and like it very much-hope you and your family have a wonderful thanksgiving!

  12. Cute and captivating...your approach towards designing inspires me a lot...

  13. I love Christmas cards! Yours turned out so beautiful - love all the pictures that you chose! What a beautiful family!! I so agree with the above comment- you are such a hottie! Every year I say I'm going to be ready to send my cards out on Dec 1st and every year I fail! LOL Oh well...
    Praying muchly for your healing.
    Love from N. Ca,


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