
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hello Again and What's Happening!

 Hello friends! You've waited for me and for that I am so grateful. As you know I took the month of January off to reevaluate some issues, spend time with my family and do other stuff, you Cancer. Chemo. Cocoa Puffs.
 One of the thoughts I was reevaluating was keeping my booth space or not. I was torn because, well, I wasn't sure that I should be spending my time on a 10X10 space when in reality I'd like an entire store. Having cancer offers up a whole other host of  fears when stepping off into the unknown of opening a's been a dream of mine since I don't know when but now I feel like "opening a store?" what if I can't maintain it, take care of it, run it? Business ownership is not easy. Throw cancer and a dose of chemo in there and it's just not sensible. Right now anyway, and I can see that clearly. I will be patient....and in the mean time, I will make my little booth the best it can be and do what I can to make it excel.

And the cancer. Naughty, naughty cancer. I was doing ok on the new regimen and had a CT scan after 3 treatments. The new regimen is not doing any good. The tumors on my lungs are bigger and another showed up on my liver. Needless to say, "I ain't happy!" The doctors decided on a different regimen that I actually start tomorrow. There was no sense continuing the current regimen when the tumors are growing. So tomorrow, I start a new treatment, or as the doctor called it: "the 3rd line of treatment" (is there a 4th?, don't know). It's a weird one this time...1-3 hour treatment on Monday, then another 8 days later, then another 8 days later and then a Nuelasta shot the day after, then a free week...then it starts over again. We'll do another CT scan in 3 months and see how I'm doing. The side effects seem to be the same as always, but hopefully I will tolerate it well, the doctors seem to be happy how well I tolerate chemo at all.
As you can see from the bad phone photos below my hair is coming in quite well. I no longer look like a cancer patient, just like I have a short hairstyle. 
Justin and I went to see Silver Linings Playbook this weekend. We had a pre-chemo date night. :) Wanna know how long it's been since I've set foot in a theater? 3 years. I know crazy. It has to look like a REALLY good movie before I will actually spend the insane amount of money on movie tickets and concessions. And let's face it, Bradley Cooper will get me to the theater. 
We went to eat at Applebee's afterwards which is another place that I haven't been in a really long time....probably 7 years? I don't get out much-ha!

 My hair is coming in so nicely that I actually called my hairstylist to shape up my was looking really scraggly. I was in the chair for exactly 8 minutes which I thought was hilarious.

 I found this old blurry picture of me right before the cancer came back, I've got a little way to go!
 Another thing I decided while on hiatus was to pick up my schooling again. I started out strong, but then when I got sick I put it on the back burner. I have decided that I WILL get my interior design degree. My goal is to get it on, in or around June 2013....pending chemo side effects. This was another one of those things that I was like "what are you going to get a degree for?" Lord, I have a lot of those nagging questions....but I can do this.

 Anyway, I am so thankful you all are here and thank you for sticking with me through this. I know this is just a blog, but you all offer such a support system for me and I'm happy to be here again. I'll let you know how the new treatments are going and I have to show you how the booth is looking too, so I will talk to you soon!



  1. Glad to see you back! Your short hair is adorable. Sorry to hear you must have more treatments but you are so positive that I am positive they will work :)

  2. hI, thanks for updating us x your hair looks beautiful x eat well and get lots of rest hun and look forward to hearing more news! x Leigh x

  3. I had short hair like yours for almost the first half of my life. It makes you look so young!...and that's a cool thing! Getting that degree? I don't think that you need to have a plan to use it at all. I think that you get it just because it's a passion....just because gaining the knowledge will be fulfilling for you. So good to hear from you. I have no doubt that your blogging world is covering you with prayers. You go, girl! Kick that cancer's butt! Cherry Kay

  4. I agree - your short hair is adorable! Hope things go well for you as you start your next round tomorrow. Go get 'em girl!

  5. Your haircut is so cool! Good to see you back.

  6. Keep well Michelle! Thinking and praying for you! Happy thoughts to you my friend! Angie xo

  7. So glad you are back. And, yes, get that degree. Although you're so talented it should be a snap. I love your wreaths. After I move, I may have to splurge and get one. Hang in there!

  8. Love, love, love the hair shape up! Too cute! And I'm so glad you're checking in with us. It's good to hear from you. I think it's great that you're doing some of the things you've wanted to do, or thought about doing... why do we always wait for the perfect time? It rarely comes to any of us, and I think that not waiting until "later" when "the time is right" is perfect in itself. Wishing you smooth days ahead, so that as you walk this path you're on, you're also able to live life and pursue a few dreams along the way!

  9. So happy to see you back today. Get the degree...Get the shop...Go for it all.

  10. :Your hair is so cute! Just call you Audrey (Hepburn). I am so glad you have plans and hopes. More than most people. Good for you!

  11. So happy to see a post from you!
    You wear short hair well friend!

  12. Michele, I don't know how you are doing it with all the different treatment regimes but I'm praying for you in whatever you want to do. I look forward to reading all about what you're up to. If you stop by my blog I have a beautiful image of Tundra Swans that is so ethereal and beautiful, it's how I hope the next few months go for you. Carol

  13. Happy to see you blogging again. I haven't been reading for long but do like your creativity very much.

  14. Michelle, I have been following your blog for quite awhile. I was so excited to see your post! Your hair looks just lovely! Just wanted you to know that when I read your blog or think of your designs(very inspirational!)i have been saying a prayer for you and your family. May God bless you as you go throught this new treatment. As for the degree and the shop... Go for it!! you can do it!!

  15. Love your short hair - makes you look spunky. I'm happy you are blogging again.

  16. So good to see you again, and you're looking MARVELOUS! I think all your goals are awesome and I believe you can and will achieve them all. You are something special. You will stay in our prayers as you start this new treatment. God bless you!

  17. So happy for the update! Glad to hear you're following your dreams...Love your hair! I'll continue praying for your full recovery!

  18. Man how life keeps on keeping on blog or no blogging. Glad you can check in, sad that you are on another regime. Here's to success to come there and to success achieved on the gorgeous hair front and the ID degree.

  19. Your hair looks great! I am sorry the cancer is not cooperating. I hope this new treatment works well for you. You're a fighter--get rid of this darn cancer and have your store--that is my wish and prayers for you!

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. So good to see you back! Your hair and you look beautiful :)

  22. Your hair is really cute! After my chemo my hair grew back curly, what a hoot that was. It's back to being straight now. I think its great you're keeping your booth and going back to school, moving forward. You have to do that and think positive to kick cancers butt! I did and so will you!! Best wishes and prayers to you!

  23. Your hair is really cute! After my chemo my hair grew back curly, what a hoot that was. It's back to being straight now. I think its great you're keeping your booth and going back to school, moving forward. You have to do that and think positive to kick cancers butt! I did and so will you!! Best wishes and prayers to you!

  24. Your hair is really cute! After my chemo my hair grew back curly, what a hoot that was. It's back to being straight now. I think its great you're keeping your booth and going back to school, moving forward. You have to do that and think positive to kick cancers butt! I did and so will you!! Best wishes and prayers to you!

  25. Your hair is really cute! After my chemo my hair grew back curly, what a hoot that was. It's back to being straight now. I think its great you're keeping your booth and going back to school, moving forward. You have to do that and think positive to kick cancers butt! I did and so will you!! Best wishes and prayers to you!

  26. Love the short haircut! You look great.

  27. So, so so very happy to see a recent post! I love your hair! Keep on keepin' on! :)

  28. I was so happy to see you here today. I have missed you! Your hair is looking great. I am so glad to hear that you went out with your husband. Looking for to seeing your booth. So sorry about the health news. I am sending extra prays for you. Keep looking forward. Love you!(((HUGS)))

  29. Hi Michelle,
    I have only been reading your posts for a few months now, but my heart has gone out to you. Hang in there and be strong...I walked with my sister through ten years of cancer treatment, chemo, etc. and it sucks..I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Just know I'm praying for you.
    Her favorite verse:
    Let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us Hebrews 12:1-2

  30. Michelle you amaze and inspire with your wonderful attitude. You can do anything you put your mind too and don't let any negative thoughts deter you from your path to success. We are all pulling for you!

  31. Yay! You're back! Good luck with all your plans and projects :)

  32. I was so excited when I saw your post pop up in my email in-box! I have often thought of you and how things are going and have prayed for you. You are certainly a woman of determination and I totally admire you for that. I am continuing to pray for you and that your new course of treatment will be a success. God Bless!

  33. You inspired me today to get going on my retail space today!! What a rock star you are!!! Fingers and toes crossed for this next, let's hope final, line of sucessful treatment. Hang in there and God Bless!!!!

  34. so good to have you back!!
    ur hair has grown really well and loved ur new cool/stylish look;)
    wishing you the bestest for your Interior Design Degree!
    hope to see you around more!!:)

  35. You look fabulous! Love the new do. So good to hear from you. Glad you're back!

  36. You look great!!!
    Glad to hear from you...and wishing you much luck with your interior design degree, go for it and enjoy it. As far as the shop, whatever keeps you most inspired, especially is you share with are so talented!!!
    Continuing to have you and your family in our prayers for your health and wellbeing...

  37. Michelle you look BEAUTIFUL...The short hair absolutely makes your face shine! Your eyes are just amazing with that short hair...rock it girl! I pray that this treatment will be tolerated well, and that healing will be the result. Always glad to see a post from you, and your will always be in my prayers.

  38. You simply AMAZE me girl. I'm serious....I think you are one awesome woman. I bet those classes for interior decorating are very interesting and fun to take. Unless you have to do a lot of measuring ...ugh.... I'm more of a wing-it girl than a following directions kind of girl.

    Gloria in Virginia

  39. Was so glad to see a blog update in my email box. You hair looks so great! (Looks like a confident artsy person's do, in my opinion.) Also, you do have a's just tiny right now. I think it is great that you are going to finish your degree. I will add that to my prayers for you. Also will pray the new regime will be effective and tolerable. I haven't updated my own blog but remember that I told you I would show you my homemade chalkpaint handiwork. (You probably don't remember because I am just a fan/nonserious blogger that comments sometimes. My kitchen is 80% done so I haven't felt like making an update to my 5 followers that are all family members.) Anyway, I'll let you know because I said I would. :)

  40. I was just thinking about you the other day and how much I miss you. Enjoyed your "update" and will continue to think of you and lift you up. Your work is inspiring and definitely think you should go for the degree! Please take care of yourself as I feel you will, and stay positive. Sending good thoughts and wishes for wellness to you.

  41. Love your hair!! I'm already praying that your new chemo regime is successful. Thinking good thoughts for you :)

  42. Your hair looks tres chic!! Life is often so unfair, and I so admire your 'in your face, cancer' approach. My best wishes for your total recovery!!

  43. Of course you must pursue your dreams...we all should! Your new 'do is very cute. Keep fighting and believing!

  44. Michelle, you hair looks adorable !! God bless you always oxxo Christi

  45. you look adorable with this hair, which if we're looking for silver linings, thank goodness for that. stay strong.

  46. So good to see you back! God has blessed you with many talents. I pray that he bless you with a long, healthy life. Best, Jena

  47. You know...I don't know you personally but DARN it...I wish this cancer thing would vacate your body and leave you alone. To many people around me are fighting this ugly thing as of late. A beautiful young mother in our neighborhood just went to heaven this week to meet her Savior. While I know our life's destination is not directed by us, the fight we put into keeping it is our choice. Thank you for being a fighter. You are a role model for all of us in living in grace/


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