
Monday, March 15, 2010

Crocheted Doily Baskets

With Easter coming up very soon, I've been trying to come up with cute Easter gift ideas. Stiffening doilies is certainly not a new idea, but I have never tried it until now, and it's super easy!

I purchased this particular doily at the Dollar Tree, but the Goodwill or other thrifty places are a great sources as well. I remember my mom using doilies under everything! You might have some of these on hand!

What you'll need:

~Fabric stiffener (any brand)
~Various dishes and/or bowls

Using a small bowl, start saturating the doily with the stiffener. Get it completely wet, but not dripping

Depending on how "deep" you want your doily basket, lay it either on the outside OR on the inside of the bowl. On the outside will produce a broader basket, and in the inside of the bowl, the basket will be smaller. I'm not talking a significant size changes, put there is a difference. I did both ways and I think I like the one on the outside of the can get stuff in the basket!

Eye ball the doily until it's even all the way around, you don't want a crooked basket. The stiffener does take time to dry. I would say overnight, but I wasn't that patient. I checked it periodically and when it was dry I started prying!

Notice I said prying. That is what you have to do: pry. It's a little scary, and with the first one I was pretty nervous, it is hard to get off. Little by little, inching around and around, until finally, it is loose. And what you have produced is a beautiful petite little doily basket, ready for eggs or candies!
Here is a bigger one ( I did several sizes) and I didn't have a bowl large I put it on the outside of the largest one I had and then put the upside down bowl on a glass, so the doily dried sort of suspended. This is probably my favorite one, and it was a goodwill find.

Look at the little baby ones! I know a Michelle little daughter or granddaughter would love to receive one of these full of candy!

I put little easter grass in them and my glittered eggs, but I think they would be suitable for any season of gift-giving.

This is a really fun project...I had upside down bowls all over the kitchen!

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're inspired!
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  1. Your baskets look very nice! I like the itty bitty ones! I have seen them stiffened like this before, I think my mom used to use sugar water for projects like this. But stiffener works too (although that stuff is very rare over here in Holland and very expensive).

  2. Love it Michelle ! I am really loving your new header too !

  3. I am inspired! I love the little bowls. I went through a decorating phase in the early 90's using fabric stiffener on material and forming into bows to put on baskets. Now that I think about it, my mother still has one of those baskets displayed in her bathroom. I think it's time to revisit fabric stiffener.

  4. Oh I love those beautiful little bowls. Looks so easy and the results are beautiful. When I first saw this, I thought you crocheted first, so I was not going to read it through, but then I realized I have some of these from Dollar Store and only need the stiffner. Will do some this weekend. Can use as a candy dish (basket) anytime as the "white" goes with my home decor. Yes, I know they have more colors. I have the white and over white shades myself. Thank you for the inspiration.

  5. So nice idea to make sweet baskets.


  6. I thought we would have to crochet our own...I knew I wasn't going to be able to do this one. I like the idea of starting with thrifted doilies.

  7. I am stopping in from ASPTL... these baskets are so beautiful!

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, Michelle! And for the tip about Krylon, I will have to try using that kind too. I am always on the lookout for great spray paint. =)

  9. These are so stinking cute. Reminds me of the little party favor baskets from back in the day!

  10. These are adorable. I will be making one! :o) Thanks for the tutorial!

  11. So great!! I always wondered how to make those cute baskets!! Thanks for the idea :)

    You should stop by my blog and enter your post into my Easter Decor Inspiration Linky!

  12. Very sweet and easy project! Thanks for sharing!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day! Stop by my blog to enter my Harney and Son's "Irish Breakfast Tea" Giveaway. Just post a comment.

    Best Blessings, KJ

  13. Those are so cute! Looks like a simple project too, I will have to try someday.

  14. Thanks for commenting on my blog - I invite you to become a follower! These baskets bring back memories of stiffening with sugar water or the like. I recall my mother doing something like that. Nice they now make a product for it and the baskets came out so adorable!

  15. Nice idea - now I know what to do with some of my leftover yarn... :) They look great! I think a diluted craft glue/water mixture would also work for this. Thanks for your lovely comment on my kanzashi sunflowers by the way!

  16. I like this. This is a project I'll definately try. Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a great project! You are a clever and crafty girl. Happy Spring!

  18. I like how you varied the sizes in your arrangement. The "granny" has really been taken out of them :-).

  19. Now I have something to do with all of the old dollies I have! Thanks for the great idea! Judi

  20. This would make great favors (filled with grass and jellybeans) on each plate for an Easter brunch! Thanks for the darling ideaQ

  21. Cute baskets! thanks for the how to :)


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