
Friday, March 19, 2010

The Stool and The Pigeon Part I

See the beautiful long narrow basket in the picture below? I bought it while I was at home in NC this past summer. I loved the shape of it and the painted finish. I did not paint this myself, but I thought I could recreate it.What I did paint is a stool and a basket that I picked up at the Goodwill. The stool was 3.00 and the basket was .99 cents. Initially I bought the basket to see if I could recreate the paint finish {the pigeon} and I bought the stool purely for the function...I use it, the kids it....I especially like sitting on the stool while I'm watching Justin cook. Just Kidding.

So I asked Logan if he wanted to play outside while I was painting my projects.......

So outside we went, it was such a fantastic day here in Missouri!

You just gotta know...
I wasn't even going to paint the stool, but you know how it is when you open a can of paint....once you've got that brush going, you start looking around the house for things to paint, because you know what a pain it's going to be to clean the brush, so you want to make it worth your while, and any thing's game...or......maybe that's just me.

I painted both the stool and the basket with left over paint that I used on the walls in living room, because I thought that most matched the base coat of the finish that I wanted to recreate...that, and I had it on hand. *I am really enjoying the new paint color in the living room, so much so, that I haven't even hung our pictures back up, I'm just basking in the spackle-filled-nail-hole-freshly-painted-wall feeling.* Sorry, back to the project

Once the paint had dried, I used a very dry brush, with the slightest amount of black paint, and then dry brushed the basket and the stool. It is a very easy process, the key is to dab into the paint and then blot a lot's easier to add more paint than to take it off.

I hit the edges quite a bit and I like how the top turned out, catching in the cracks and nicks

And of course I can't just take the "after" shot, I have to style it up first!
"So Logan, how do you think my projects look?"

Linking up with these lovely ladies:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special

Thanks for stopping by!
If you would like to see what I did to the stool next, check out:


  1. Oh my goodness that last comment from Logan cracks me up! I can just see my son saying that! Well I think you did a wonderful job matching the paint finish! I love that old, rustic look.

  2. If you would not have told us I would not have known which piece you purchased "as is" and which piece you painted. Beautiful job!
    I'm glad you enjoyed the couple of warm days we got this past week. Overnight in Kansas City we got about 3" of snow and they are calling for more today....hello spring :-)

  3. Oh, I love it and I have a woven matte I was contemplating something similar so I am glad you gave instructions...

  4. Love how the finish turned out on your pieces. Almost identical to that original basket. I found you through Tatertots & Jello and so glad I did. I'm now a follower! BTW, I do the SAME THING when I paint. What else can I paint? What else can I paint? That made me laugh this morning!

  5. That stool turned out awesome! I am planning on hitting up Goodwill today to look for some furniture!

  6. I think you nailed it! I do the same thing or at least try to plan everything I'm going to paint. Of course, I do the same thing when I'm using Mod Podge.

  7. What a neat project that looks great too : ) and Logan's comments are just precious!

  8. You did a fantastic job. I love all the pieces. I also love the face...

  9. Hi Michelle! Thanks so much for visiting me! Means a lot to me as well! I LOVE that basket...such an interesting shape and gives such a great visual to whatever you display in it! I LOVE your photography! Can't wait to come back for more. I am now following your blog to keep up tee hee! Have a great rest of your weekend! - Molly xo

  10. I love how it turned out and great pictures!

  11. What a great job. Your Logan sounds like my Jack- he always says- you didn't get all the edges mom. :) Come on back to NC and get some more things it is warm here and Yard Sale season has started.



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