
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pfister Review And Giveaway

Do you remember the Kitchen Facelift that I conquered at the beginning of the year? If you do, than you also remember the list of things that I had on my wish list.....back splash, counter top, sink and new faucet. Well, I get to mark two of those things off my list, thanks in part to Pfister Faucets.

When they wrote to me and asked if I would do a product review, I gladly accepted, knowing that this opportunity was really a blessing, a new faucet was not in the near future for us. Just to give you an idea of what we had before.....A cruddy, leaky faucet and a stained and chipped sink.....hello reality! :)

....and this is what we have now. A beautiful new sink and beautiful faucet to match. A new faucet deserves a new sink right? :) So we went shopping for a new sink. Pfister gave me a choice of four faucets to choose from and I chose the Elevate model. Not too modern and not too traditional either.

We have lived with the Elevate for over a month now and there are two features that really stand out to me. First of all, my favorite feature is the pull out sprayer. I can't get over the ease of use and the button easily switches the water from stream to spray. I guess I like the integration of it, it's extremely functional, and it has a toggle so it moves around easy too. So now instead of looking at a sprayer head on the side of the sink, I get to enjoy the convience of the hand soap dispenser instead (another nice feature).

Of course when Logan found out about the sprayer, he just thought it was fun to press the button!

The second thing I like about the Elevate is the location of the handle. I can't really explain why it's much more functional on the side, but it is just easier to use. Maybe it's because you're not reaching over the faucet to turn on the water, at any rate, who ever thought of putting it on the side is genius.

This is another interesting feature the Elevate has (though I keep it on the lowest setting) you can adjust the height, if you are, say, filling large pots, or need the faucet up out of the way. It has a button on the front and you just pull up on it, but like I said, I have hardly used that feature.

I am tickled with the new additions to the Kitchen Facelift and I want to thank Pfister Faucets for giving me this opporutinity to use and review one of their faucets, it is top quality!

Wait, don't go! It's not over yet! Would you like a chance to receive an Elevate Faucet for yourself?

Pfister Faucets is sponsoring a giveaway too! I think this is fantastic, I can recall from reading some of your comments (from the facelift) that this kind of upgrade would be a dream too. As you might know, I am still recovering from my recent surgery, so I want to keep this super simple....leave a comment on this post. Yep, that's it, I don't feel like running around so I don't want you to have to either ;) But, if you would like to become a follower, that's great too, no pressure. :)

If you want your name in the hat, just leave me a comment. Just to be clear, the giveaway is for the faucet only. I will let select a lucky name next Monday (May 16). I'm going to leave this giveaway open all week, join in!

P.S. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!


  1. This is a dream giveaway! I have a similar faucet to your previous one, and so you know how much I need a new one ;). Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Would love to win this giveaway!!

  3. I hope you are feeling better. I've been a follower for a long time and the reason I would so love to win this is that my daughter lost her house and most of her belongings in the 4-27-11 tornadoes that ravaged northern Alabama. It's her first house and she bought it less than a year ago. She's the sole support. It would be such a blessing to win this for her. Thanks for the chance and feel better!

  4. Would love this - thanks for the opportunity!!

  5. We are desperate for a new faucet... it would be so nice to win one instead of purchasing one!! Thanks for hosting a great giveaway!!

  6. I would LOVE to win a new faucet for my kitchen sink. Replacing my current faucet has been on my "must do" list for over a year and so far, I'm still dealing with the old one.

  7. I was just looking at sinks this morning and I do think I need a new faucet for our new sink. This would be awesome!

  8. Very cool giveaway! That faucet is amazing! And yes, I'm already a follower!

  9. I agree that it looks beautiful, but the spray function is really awesome. Thanks for a chance at the generous giveaway. And I'm already a follower too.

  10. Wonderful giveaway - what great design, and what great features! Thanks for the opportunity. And, I'm already a follower. :)

  11. How awesome that you were able to review this product AND do a giveaway! I would love to have a faucet like this so please count me in.

  12. Hi Michelle! Been missing seeing Sweet Something Designs show up in my blog feed, nice to hear from you! I am already a big follower (and sharer) and I would Love Love Love to win this wonderful giveaway! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Have a blessed Mother's Day!

  13. Our faucet has not worked correctly since about 30 minutes after we moved in...eight years ago! I would love to win!

  14. We don't even have a side sprayer, it's just a broken soap dispenser that's still full of soap from the old home owner :(
    I desperately want a new faucet and sink.

  15. I'd do anything for this! My kitchen is so dreary and so 80s. I'm embarrassed to let people see mine :( Okay the whole kitchen is bad, But I have to wait while I fix it piece by piece, pay check by pay check.

  16. We have one of those crappy builder's grade faucets, upgrade would definitely be nice! Thanks for the chance!

  17. It looks fantastic! Don't enter me in the giveaway. I just had my kitchen remodeled three years ago, so I'm good. Hope you're feeling better, and Happy Mother's Day!

  18. Great giveaway! I have a kitchen faucet similar to your old one and would love to update it (and update the 8-year-old sink).

  19. Great practical giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  20. I need a new faucet so bad! Thanks for the review, hope I win!

  21. I would love a new faucet! I actually started following your blog because I was stalking your kitchen facelift...which we are doing now!

  22. Get out!! That variable height feature is tremendous. Our current one is tall all the time and I wish it were a little lower (like this one looks) about 90% of the time. I also completely hate looking at my stained (white) plastic sprayer. Awesome giveaway...Happy Mothers Day! Lisa

  23. What an amazing giveaway! Love the feature of it raising high for bigger pots, haven't seen that feature before.

  24. I'd love to win! All those features look great!

  25. I have to laugh at myself...I never win giveaways and yet I keep "entering." I would love to win this one though, since I'm badly in need of a new faucet (and a new sink). Was just thinking about that an hour ago while preparing dinner and cleaning up. What a dream it would be.

  26. Hi, Michelle,

    I am SO glad to see you starting to post a little - welcome back - you were missed! Hope that you will be all better very soon!!

    If I win the faucet, I would like to give it Lynnette's daughter as she lost her home in one of those horrible tornadoes.

  27. What an awesome faucet! I'm getting ready to tackle a kitchen remodel soon, and would love to win a new one!

  28. The faucet is awesome my mom would love that faucet.

  29. Toni said
    I would like to see this new faucet in the kitchenette that Kevin just finished in the basement. Been thinking and prayer for you to a fast recovery.

  30. seriously sweet giveaway! my kitchen wish list sounds the same as yours... xo

  31. Love this faucet! Good choice. I wouldn't mind owning one myself. And your new sink looks beautiful too.

  32. My faucet looks like your old one and my sprayer doesn't work, I would love to win this! By the way how do you like your cabinets. I can't decide if I am painting my lower ones dark or white like the top. Would love to hear what you think.

  33. Michelle, so sorry your recovery is taking longer that you wished. But I'd love a new faucet, especially one with a sprayer! We remodeled a little last year, but could not afford this type of faucet! Please add my name to the pot!

  34. Lovin this it would certainly personalize my new rental place.Count me in!

  35. My faucet has seen better days... I've been looking for a new one and this one is just perfect - count me in, too!

  36. So sorry you've had such a long and uncomfortable time recovering from the surgery. You've been missed.

    Am so happy for a chance at winning a new faucet! Ours fell apart a couple of weeks ago, and we can't afford to replace it until we're working again. We have to hold the pull-out sprayer on by hand every time we turn it on, otherwise, it shoots across the room and scares the daylights out of our two beagles!!!

  37. Wow.Looks great.Thanks for sharing!

  38. Glad you are happy with your recent Kitchen Facelift. I would love to do a facelift in my kitchen - it's on my list for someday. Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway. Hope you continue to recover and Happy Mother's Day! AJ

  39. Would love to win a new faucet!

  40. Thanks for the chance to win this great give away! My kitchen looks just like your before....old faucet and chipped sink. I'll continue to keep your recovery in my thoughts and prayers! Hugs

  41. Would love that new faucet!
    gloriak82 at gmail dot com

  42. wow! wonderful giveaway, I would love to have this in my kitchen!
    thank you!

  43. My mom has the same faucet and loves it! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  44. I'm brand new to you, but my sisters have been following you for quite some time. I found you on her link and subscribed today, and would love to be given a new faucet! Thanks for the opportunity!

  45. Hi Michelle Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh, talk about a dream giveaway. I love it, and SO could use a new one. Please add my name to the list for this giveaway. Any one of us will be so lucky to win this wonderful gift of love. It has been on my list for kitchen makeovers along with SO many items in need.

    I am a follower. I love popping over to say hello. I can see so many uses for this model. Convenience is at the top of the list. Thank you again for the opportunity.

    Many hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry

  46. That is a really cool faucet... I would love to be in the drawing. I hope you are feeling better too!

  47. Ooo - I want in. Thanks!!!


  48. Hope you are feeling better by the day Michelle! Love your new faucet, it looks like you and your family are getting a ton of use out of it! Your little man looks to cute. Would love to have one :) Have a great Mother's Day

  49. Would love to win that new faucet tp give to my daughter, love the make of it ,I have them in my home . Pachie

  50. I love the idea that you can adjust the height! What a lucky girl you are to get to review this! Count me in!

  51. That faucet seems like a dream come true! Lucky you, getting to review it.

  52. Welcome Back.....I have your blog marked in my favorites and am always checking to see if you are back....

    Love the faucet and would love one in my kitchen.

  53. I would love to win the faucet. Hope you feel better soon.

  54. I hope you feel better soon! I am a faithful follower and love your blog... I'd love a new faucet too! ;)

  55. I would love to win this. My current home has one sink, one, and having a new faucet would definitely help.

  56. Thanks for the chance to win! Hope recovery is going smoothly!:o)


  57. I would love a new faucet...I know which sink needs it the most!

  58. Thanks so much for the giveaway! We, too, are in the junky old faucet boat. :)
    Meredith @ Welcome to Heardmont

  59. I would love to win a new faucet! I just painted my kitchen cabinets and did a mini kitchen update but I still need a new faucet. This would be perfect. Thanks for the giveaway!

    Lori : )
    Thrifty Decor Mom

  60. Hope you had a good Mother's Day and are feeling better. I would love a new faucet to put in my kitchen once we get the remodeling complete. Sign me up for the faucet drawing please.
    Logan looked like he enjoyed your new faucet. My daughter would have had herself, anyone else in the kitchen and the floor thoroughly washed. See, I do need one so that my kitchen floor gets washed. ;)

  61. I had no idea they made adjustable height faucets. That is fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway.

  62. I am getting ready to tackle a kitchen makeover and would LOVE to win a free faucet to add to it! :) Love your blog design too - super cute! :)

  63. What a great faucet!!! Thanks for the giveaway, too!

  64. Just the other day, my husband and I spent about 30 minutes in the kitchen faucet aisle at the home improvement store, "dreaming" of upgrading one day. The one we picked as our favorite is very similar to yours. Lovely!

  65. Your kitchen is lovely and the faucet is the crowning glory!

    I'm new to your blog, but will stick around - glad to hear you are feeling better!

  66. My sister in law has an awesome faucet like that. I used her sink the other day when I was over at her house and would love to have my own version of it!

  67. I have been reading your blog for some time now but have just now become a follower. Your kitchen is beautiful and the faucet is perfect. Would love one of my own!!! Hope you are up and running soon, feel better.

  68. wow, what an upgrade! i'd love to win one, thanks for the opportunity!

  69. wow! a new faucet would be wonderful. we've been hoping to change ours.

  70. Thank you for hosting this lovely give away! I could use one of those soooo badly. I would say i'm do a facelift! Glad you are on the mend.

  71. Thanks for the chance to win...had my eye on this faucet at Christmas but life got in the way...My sis in law has one and loves jealous....

  72. ohh a new faucet would be awesome!!

  73. Thank you for the opportunity to win such an awesome faucet. we are in the middle of re doing our kitchen and this would be icing on the cake. Toni M

  74. I love your new faucet and sink! Mine is identical to your old one :( would love to win this! Thanks! -Brooke W

  75. Wow - what an improvement! I love the new one!
    - Danielle
    other-option AT hotmail DOT com

  76. would LOVE to have an updated faucet in my kitchen! kristinmik at gmail

  77. Been looking for a new faucet - this would be perfect!

    amanda.sitek at gmail dot com

  78. This is a beautiful faucet...please please let me win.

  79. Love the new faucet and sink. They look great. Thanks Pfister Faucets for the giveaway!

    Hope you are feeling well!

    Kristie P.

  80. Michelle, Your kitchen looks beautiful. I NEEEEDDDD that faucet. We have to hit our faucet before we turn it on or there isn't any water pressure. This giveaway couldn't have come at a better time because I just had surgery for cervical cancer and we can't afford a new faucet right now. I cross my fingers that the giveaway Gods are with me in this : )
    ~ Deanna

  81. Very, very nice! Looks great! (And I'd love to have one, too.)

  82. My daughter is fixing up her sweet cottage-wouldn't i love to surprise her with this!

  83. That's the exact faucet I want to replace ours!

  84. We are DESPERATE for a new faucet! Would love to win this one!

  85. Love your new faucet - GREAT choice!

  86. LOVE! Thanks for the chance, and I LOVE the faucet too!

  87. OOOOO, I totally want my name in the hat. All you gals out there who inspire me with your makeovers are amazing. Thanks for the chance and wishing you a quick recovery.

  88. Love the new sink and faucet! Giveaways are great. Good luck everyone.

  89. OHHHHHHH....fingers crossed! would love to have a nice faucet and not the builder yucko

  90. That's one good looking faucet! Thanks for the chance of maybe winning it.

  91. Would love a new fancy faucet! Thanks for the giveaway!

  92. My girlfriend has that same faucet and I love it-would love it too!

  93. I love your kitchen facelift. I am ready to start mine now. A new faucet would start things off nicely! Breian E

  94. Oh my goodness! Love love love the new faucet! I want it!!!

  95. I would love an opportunity to win this!
