
Monday, February 27, 2012

Perking Up the Living Room

So I've been living in Missouri for several years now and have really gotten accustomed to the rough winters....but this winter has been so mild I keep looking around, scratching my head, wondering when winter is going to happen. I mean the little groundhog did see his shadow right? ;) At any rate, we enjoyed the mild temps this weekend...and by enjoying I mean the guys were all outside and I got to take waaay too many photos around the living room.

I've been staring at the Home Goods Urns up on the mantle for weeks now and finally got them placed and accessorized the mantle. I moved the white dresser back in too, that had to move out to accommodate the Christmas Tree. The great thing about it, after shifting everything for the tree....I ended up liking the furniture spaced out. So the sofa stayed put, and the dresser got a little more breathing room.

I look at this photo below, and realize nearly everything is vintage...The mirror was my Mother's, the bamboo art; vintage. The lamp is very vintage, I've had it for many years and remember the funky second hand store I found it in....needless to say, it didn't look like that when I found it and did a lot of cleaning to make it look good (you'll see it better down below). The woven boxes, little brown vase and porcelain antler were all bought new, but I seriously love the mix.
I love a good off set photo don't you? :)

I still love the World Market curtain panels, they add a little global flair.

I am happy with how the mantle turned out, in all it's asymmetrical goodness. I love the color of the urns, so happy and bright. I also used candle holders via Big Lots, boxes that I spray painted orange and a piece of coral that I bought in Key West 20 years ago. Boy, do I hold on to things or what?

For the mantle I typically like doing asymmetrical. The mantle/fireplace + windows are so symmetrical, it wouldn't be as interesting if the accessories were perfect too. Plus, I like a little challenge anyway, asymmetry is not always easy.

In the smaller urn, I took off the lid and did a combination of curly willow, bean sprouts, and silk hydrangeas. I sprinkled some hydrangea blooms on the mantle too. Along with the blooms the lid becomes an intentional detail.

My husband knows the way to my heart is through decorative pillows, meet my newest Valentine's Day gift ever, thanks honey.

I still have a little tweaking to do. I want to add on to the wall collage above the sofa, and I'm playing around with some chair arrangements too.

I'm off to work at the booth today, Mondays are perfect for straightening up after the weekend and delivering a few goodies.

I have a doctor's appointment this week with an oncologist here in Joplin, so I will know exactly when I start the chemotherapy treatments. I'm feeling pretty solemn about it compared to how I was feeling the last couple of weeks. I'm just going to stay busy as usual and keep my head up. I am still getting comments and emails with prayers and encouragement. Thank you for that.

The Lettered Cottage


  1. Michelle,
    Everything is looking so springy and beautiful in your home!
    dee dee

  2. michelle as i was laying down last night and saying my prayers you were one of the first that came to my mind...and let me tell you i can pester the guy upstairs to i am a good one to have praying for you!!! anywho...i just wanted to tell you that NOBODY does a mantle like you. i think what always get me is the florals...that urn is to die for...i would snatch that thing up in a heartbeat if i saw it in a store. hope your appointment goes well and you get the game plan so you can rock and roll and kick some booty!

  3. Everything looks gorgeous! You have wonderful taste and a flair for decorating. I always feel like stuff is jumbled! LOL Wishing you happy thoughts and good prayers that all goes good with the Dr appt! HUGS

  4. If pictures speak a thousand words, then you pictures show how blessed you are! Blessed to live in such beautiful surroundings, blessed to have the gift to create these surroundings! Even your header photos are absolutely beautiful, and show how you capture the beauty in your everyday living, what a gift!!! I didn't even know what you were going through, until I read further down, and I thought "How beautiful is her life!" Your life is beautiful even amongst the hard stuff, keep being you, keep doing the things you love, give everything to God, I don't say this lightly. But God can do anything, and he knows everything, so we may as well trust and rest in HIm!! I am sending huge prayers and wishing you many miracles!!

  5. Hi Michelle: The fireplace arrangement is spectacular. I love those urns. I don't make it to HomeGoods often enough but when I do I don't see anything like those in my neck of the woods.. I'm happy to see you are keeping busy. That will help alot. I'll be thinking of you next week...Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  6. Everything looks beautiful. Love your colors and all of your accessories and vignettes are stunning. Hugs, Marty

  7. I really love everything you do! Best of luck with your treatment. Hang in there :-D


  8. love the pop of orange! I like the room arranged this way, and the mantel too.
    Best wishes with your treatments, I pray they go well...we are all here for you.

  9. You are in my prayers. In Christ, we have a great and loving comforter and healer. You are always so generous in sharing your decorative and artistic gifts. I particularly enjoy seeing your tablescapes. God has given you many talents.

  10. Thanks for providing such useful information. I really appreciate your professional approach.
    decorative pillows

  11. Hi Michelle, your mantle looks beautiful. We're loving the aqua blue/orange combo so fresh and fun. Thank you for the shout out. Best of luck with your health!!! Your friends at HomeGoods

  12. I spy a brassy deer in your vignette and you had me at woodland loving. Nice little perk me up to the space.
    Hoping today is a good day for you.



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