
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Announcing: 31 Days With M.E.

You guys are going to think I'm crazy, in fact, I think I'm crazy. I am going to participate in the "31 Days" series. I'm scared to death!!! My blogging rate has, let's say, gone down hill with the whole cancer/chemotherapy can I even begin to think I can pull off 31 solid days of blogging? Eeekk!Well, first of all, I am going to stop thinking about what I can't do and think about what I can do. What I can share with you, what I can teach you, what I can show you.
So why did I title my series "31 Days With M.E." ? Well, my initials are M.E. (Michelle Edwards) and not only is it a fun twist for the title, but I want to take you through 31 days with me. Me, the decorator, me the artist, me the designer, me the mother, me the cancer patient. I can't guarantee every day will be sunshine and butterflies, because, let's face it, not every day is...don't get me wrong though, I don't want to talk about cancer for 31 days, but it is ok that I do talk about it some days....and we'll do fun stuff on the other days. :)
I have also started scheming up some projects, tutorials, and tablescapes, I really hope you will join me.
So tomorrow is October the 1st and the beginning of this personal challenge, Lord help me! See you tomorrow!



  1. Good luck with your challenge--looking forward to it!

  2. That's awesome, Michelle! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. And hey, it's okay if you miss a day here or there cause this is real life and I love how the ladies of blogland are so supportive of each other . You are very talented so I know you'll have some great stuff to show us!!

  3. Good for you for taking up the challenge. Every year I say I'm going to join in, but it always seems so busy so I chicken out - so my hats off to you.

  4. I'm looking forward to your postings! I love you, and all your talent!!! You rock, girl!
    Terry in Milwaukee

  5. look forward to reading along...and I'm embarking on the 31 days series too....and scared as well;)!!!

  6. I will be here, reading every day!! XXOO

  7. Oh my gosh! I am excited beyond words! I will be checking in every day! LOVE your creativity, ideas, honesty...Can't wait to see what you have to say each day. :)Sylvia

  8. I stop by everyday.....just in case your here......see you tomorrow and the next 31 days!

  9. Can't believe it is that time of year. I didn't quite finish my 31 days last year so I'll give it a go this year - finishing out last year's and a tough, but more manageable choice of topic this year. Love that you'll be sharing you.

  10. Terrific! I enjoy your blog so much and that includes ALL aspects of the things you talk about here. I appreciate the effort it will take you to blog everyday so don't feel bad if you miss a day here or there - we'll still be rooting for you!


  11. Michelle: Wow quite an undertaking but I can't wait. I know you can teach me a thing or two..Happy Sunday..Judy

  12. Wow!!!! So excited..can't wait
    Xoxoxoxo Kim (RI)

  13. I will check in with you daily. I have been praying for you and your family concerning the cancer, so please keep me posted and I will continue to pray. God bless you.

  14. I love this idea for 31 Days! 31 days learning about someone and their daily life is a great topic! Looking forward to it!

  15. I will follow you every day I'll read from Spain, and every day I'll send you my strength and my love .... I encourage you!!


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