
Sunday, September 2, 2012

New Wreaths In The Shop

 I hope everyone is enjoying their Labor Day Weekend! I'm sharing some wreaths that I recently added to the Shop. You can click under each picture to take you to the listing, thanks for looking!

I have a great giveaway coming tomorrow, see you then!



  1. You can make me feel autumn in the air on this warm summer night.

  2. You have an amazing blog! More power to you!

  3. Michelle, I have been following your blog for awhile now. Your tablescapes and wreaths are just gorgeous! My front door is completely exposed to the elements and I'm not sure what to put on it since it is in full sun, rain, wind,etc. Do you have any suggestions? My front entry needs some help! Thanks!

  4. Hi Lorie, full exposure is tough to deal with. As far as full sun, make a wreath (or order one :) using wire vs. hot glue (or use both) which is the problem...glue melting again with heat/things falling off. The wire will keep everything in place (even with wind), but fading will happen much faster over time with full sun...but you will still get 1, maybe 2 years out of a well made wreath. Also, use products that are 'plastic' based (stems, fruits, gourds, etc.) vs. things like "hand-wrapped" stems...floral tape will not last at all in full weather. I hope that helps!!


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