
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

31 Days With ME: Bookcase Styling

Thank you for stopping by again today. This is day 3 of the 31 Day Series. I hope you are enjoying it so far.

 It's time to talk bookcases. I recently redid mine because they were looking pretty sloppy. For some reason, the shelves are sort of a catch-all. With my computer desk so close, my desk junk tends to spread to the shelves....I use the bottom row for storage, so that row just has baskets for storage and never changes...but the mess four shelves up, is inevitable. Sometimes, I've got some random accessory I end up shoving it somewhere on there too with the thought: "I'll get it later". Finally later arrived and I got to work.
So how do I go about foo-fooing my bookcase? Here's what I do:

Pick Focal Accessories Color (large accessories). It's a two part-er...if you like high contrast, like I do, and have dark bookcases, select bigger light/white accessories (to stand out). If you do not like high contrast and have light shelves, chose bigger light/white accessories (to blend in). Can't find accessories in the color you want? Two words: Spray Paint.
 I chose a combination of several white things. Ginger jars, artichoke pedestals, porcelain antler, coral, vase (on top) and a frame. White is used on nearly every shelf without books. Speaking of books, I do not have a huge collection of books, but what I do have I put on the diagonal to help balance the visual weight.

Tip: Use books to elevate smaller accessories and a manzanita branch adds texture

Pick Secondary Accessory Color. I like the color orange (especially with fall here) and used the color in three areas throughout the bookcase. Spread the love. The flowers on the top, smaller flowers midway down, and a vase near the bottom.
Use Something Metallic: Vintage brass is appealing to me more and more (and more) and the idea of mixing metals, I love. I used a tray, an owl, a pear, and a silver frame to add a little shimmer.

Use Something Natural: I used several natural things, some real, some not. I used real driftwood and a manzanita branch for texture. The flowers, antler, and coral, while not real, still add a sense of rustic life.
Tip: Woven boxes and baskets add nice texture too
     So that's how I do it my friends. Fill your bookcases with pieces  that add texture and depth with all sorts of layers and you'll be happy you did.


  1. Beautiful, not too fussy and the white with pops of orange is perfect!

  2. Thanks for sharing...I like the way you mix things together. I always say it but it is true...I love your style! Where do you find your manzanita branch's? I have looked all over but haven't had the luck of finding any.

    1. Stacey, thank you so much! Look at for manzanita branches.

  3. This is perfect for me! Bookshelf arranging does not come easy to meThank you for sharing!

  4. Love this post! I've been looking at the bookshelves in our living room, and they're just looking really cluttered to me, but I couldn't figure out how to make it better. Thanks so much for this - I'll be updating our bookcases in the very near future!

  5. Michelle, this is perfect, perfect, perfect... did I mention perfect? love it..... I have 2 chairs exactly like your desk chair. They were my mom's and they have super ugly upholstery. Now I have a vision for them! Thanks (again!)

  6. Sister, As always just fantastic , how is it you make it look and sound so easy. Just want to say I don't think it fair you got this gene to work magic. But I still love you. Can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. ( HUGS) love Klair

  7. What and excellent, helpful post. I am bookmarking this one for when I have time to rearrange my bookcase. Thank-you!

  8. I have dark wood bookcases in my living room and have been looking for ideas for something to put in the back to make the accessories pop a bit more. You see white bookcases with the backs painted all the time, but never ideas for wood ones. What did you use on yours?

  9. Hi, great post! Where is your bookshelf from, please?

    1. I'm sorry. These were purchased years ago and I'm just not sure where she found them.


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