
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Logan's Room: Storage Galore!

Hello and welcome to another episode of: "Logan's Room Is Taking Forever" with your hostess: Really Exhausted Mom! *Just kidding*

It's another one of those times, when I get a wild hair up my hoo-hoo, and well, let's just say, it's a process.

Sometimes, I wish I was a little less DIY and a little more get someone else to DIY....and that other DIYer happens to be my dearest husband Justin.

I was sick to death of the lack of storage in Logan's room and I was determined to create something to suit our needs. Nod your head if toy storage is an issue...

We bought some MDF, and Justin built the most grand of shelving units ever!

He got that thing built and ready to go in just about a week...both of us working and living full time, ya know.

My part of the job was painting...luckily, I recruited our teenager to help with the pain-staking-long-and-drawn-out-process of painting the beast of a shelf...
That took 2 full days into the wee hours of the night, not to mention that I was painting Logan's Armoire in tandem...


We got 'er done

2 coats of primer and 2 coats of semi-gloss white latex paint later......did I mention it was 8 feet wide and 7 feet tall.....?

I made some curtains for the lower half of the shelves, because, honestly, it was too eye-crazy without them. I used some blue ticking, added some grosgrain ribbon to the hem with some heat and bond and hung them with cafe rods. I think they turned out great. Logan just pushes the curtains open to pull out the crates that organizes all his toys. These are the regular plastic crates from Walmart, we have 12 in all that go all the way across the 2 bottom shelves.
In the upper shelves, I put things like books, and stuffed animals, etc...

I painted a generic rusty star red and distressed it, and hung it right in the middle of the shelf

This chair I just got done with this weekend, I found it at the GW for $5.98, it was a natural oak color, and I loved the woven rush seat. I knew it would work great in Logan's room with a coat of Banner Red from Krylon.

I love how it turned out! Not bad for under 6 bucks and a can of spray paint!
The shelving unit turned out fantastic too...I can't say how much I wanted it for myself it has helped the toy storage!

This is the next project on the to-do list...a great dresser that I found second-hand...I have no idea what I want to do with it yet...

...but it'll come to's a process, you see. :)
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you're inspired!!
The DIY Show Off


Show and Tell Green
SYS Thurs
Transformation Thursday


  1. Woohoo! What a fantastic job! This is a room Logan won't be outgrowing too very soon!

    The shelving is the best . . . gotta' love a handyman hubby!

    I see the red canvas bin there - is that also from WM? I don't want to think of what life would be w/o them, here @ my downsized cabin!

    Great job, Michelle. . . It's a really fantastic, fun room!


  2. It looks great! I wish I had a handy husband! ;) Love the cowboy pillow & the bandana on the chair is a nice touch, too!

  3. You totally inspire me!!! His room is fabulous. You just have all those little touches that make it awesome!

  4. Great job! Our kids never seem to have enough storage. I have similar rush seating chairs I bought at GW and painted red. We use them at the kitchen table. Gotta love GW :)

  5. Those look awesome--and all that storage. I might be just a little jealous :)

  6. That dresser has TOTAL potential to be something great. Love to see what you do with it..

    The Blue Ridge Gal

  7. I remember those days of toys and "stuff"! It was the only time in my married life when I actually just closed the door to a room and only cleaned it once a month or so. All those little things that they just can't part with...many are now in boxes in our basement and our babies are 25 and 27!

    It looks great, I wish I'd been smart enough to do something like that in my kid's rooms when they were young, but my son would have just dumped everything on the floor anyway:)

  8. That shelving unit is great! And I love that chair!!

  9. Looks great! You can't go wrong with shelving!

  10. Love everything about this! And that fabric you used for the little pillow? I am seriously coveting it! Terrific job!

  11. That shelving unit is fantastic! I can't wait to see what you do with the dresser, too!

  12. that is a great storage unit! the chair with the bandana, CUTE! the dresser, hmmm, wondering if you might make it look like denim...? can't wait to see it all.

  13. Beautiful room, I love all the vintage books and toys.

  14. I love what you are doing with Logans room! When we moved into our new home I was debating on doing vintage cowboy or camping, and ended up choosing camping....but you're making me want to do the cowboy theme! its sooooooo nice! Just a thought on your dresser....I dont remember what blog I saw it on, but this mother had been doing a room similar to yours and she did the cutest thing that made me think of you...instead of regular drawer pulls she used rope. adorable.
    anyway, cant wait to see what you come up with!

  15. it's completely darling! I love it!

    thanks for stopping by and your sweet comments on my ZIPPER top! :)

  16. The shelves are fabulous. I'm hoping someday in our next home, I'll have room to build shelves like this. Well done.

  17. I LOVE your little guys room! Its so so cute! The fabric on the pillows is my fave how fun is that!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  18. Love Logan's room. That bookcase is wonderful and huge. What great storage. I love the GW chair that you painted red. I wish I could find a bargain like that. It turned out so cute.

  19. Really cute room! Love the cowboy theme!


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