
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Random Tuesday {Ten}

This post is solely dedicated to random tidbits that make up life. Enjoy.

We, (and when I say we, I mean Keegan) carved a jack-o-lantern. for.the.very.first.time. in our {my} life!! I know it's crazy, but not even when I was a kid have I carved a pumpkin, or, you know, watched it being done. It was quite an experience. Keegan designed the face and carved the pumpkin himself, Logan bailed after the first handful of 'guts'. I think it turned out great, and is still living atop the birdbath.

Football season is almost over, but this is the image that you will see before every game. The coaches and players praying before kickoff. Keegan is number 87....This makes me teary.

Logan was a robot this year for Halloween. I went the homemade route this year. Most of the components on the front of the robot mostly comprised of objects straight out of the kitchen junk drawer, two Dr. Pepper cans, a tissue box, dryer venting, duct tape, and silver spray paint. And yes I should have cut the 'head ' down a little more, oh well. I was seriously amused at watching him bending over and trying to pick something up, he really was like a robot.

I captured this photo the other day and was surprised and happy to see a monarch at this time of year. It has been a mild fall so far which bothers me absolutely none.

My husband talks with his hands a lot. I don't know what he is talking about here, something of technical importance I'm sure. I love seeing his wedding band, is that weird?

Well, check this dream off my list. One of my wreaths made the front page of Etsy. Yes, I took a picture of the screen, I'm a nerd. Second row. Fourth picture. he he he.

I bought two new pillows at Walmart. Oh the horror. How many pillows do I really need? I did donate two other pillow that had seen better days, hello justification.

They are soft, and cheap, and look like chevron to me.

I also splurged on another pillow from West Elm (not pictured), see, I am not a pillow snob, I'll buy them anywhere.

The Maple Leaf Festival was at the beginning of October in Carthage, Missouri. I love this building right in the middle of the square. The whole festival was all around it. I love old architecture in small towns. Oh, and sun flare.

This child is turning 15 in two weeks. crap.

This child is turning six in December. crap.

Did you have any random happenings lately? Tell me.
Or better yet, link them up here:


Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!


  1. Don't you just love Carthage? Every time I'm there, I want to take pictures of all of the pretty, pretty houses, but I'm afraid that it might scare the owners! :) It's been a long time since I've been to the Maple Leaf Festival, but I always loved it when I was little!

  2. one can NEVER have to many pillows!

  3. i was in a jack-o-lantern carving contest this year at my college & the convo came up of just how many people had never done it before. I was amazed as even in a family that did zilch for Halloween I have done a handful of them before.
    That is pretty exciting about your wreath!
    WAY TO GO!
    you do terrific work.

  4. Great job on the robot costume, very clever! Congrats on your Etsy front page. Love the first pillow, going to check my Walmart.

  5. I love this post...enjoy getting to learn little tid bit's of info about you. Your boys are so handsome...loved the pumpkin & the costume. And I am the same way about seeing my hubby's wedding ring...just makes me HAPPY to see it.


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