
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Chevron Gathering

What better way to kick off November than with a tablescape, hu? It occurred to me that I have not done an official tablescape since refinishing the new {old} dining chairs. I've finally gotten comfortable using fall colors with white since I've got a lot of white in the living room, so I'm not kicking myself for going with white, thank goodness.

I discovered chevron comes in a rusty tone, and I thought it would look great for fall. I think the graphic pattern really helps modernize this table....don't worry if you're not a chevron fan, I made this custom size table runner reversible (you'll see below).

I really enjoy mixing patterns and chevron certainly has it's challenges, but I love it with plaids, checks and floral patterns. I used different napkins/tea towels at each place setting to really keep it interesting (you'll probably notice the different ones...).

Vintage Mikasa 'Desert Breeze' salad plate atop my white dinnerware, straight out of the hutch. Charger plates from Walmart (I used these last week) and wooden napkin rings are from Kohl's.

Little acorn salt and pepper shakers from Family Dollar (last year). I love the glazed stoneware look and that they were only a dollar. :).

I was going to put together a tutorial to make this runner but really, I've already done that HERE.
I changed the width and length however. I made sure the runner just hit right above the chair seat, it makes it easier to sit down.

I decided to keep the centerpiece pretty bottles and little silk wildflowers. I like the collected look of the bottles. I used a salvage piece of wood as a base and just lined them up and added some white pumpkins.Twigs from the yard help add height without adding visual weight. The bottles wrapped with wicker are from the Mary Carol home collection, I got them a few years ago at Nell Hill's.

After finding a vintage drapery panel while thrifting, I knew I found what I wanted to pair with the chevron. So this is on the other side of the chevron....

A little flip action:

I like the plaid with the floral too!

Along with salad plates, I found coffee mugs too, I love the matte chocolate color on the outside and crackle glaze inside.

So which side did I keep the runner on? Right now it's on the floral side, I liked it more than anticipated! I like both sides really and glad I made the runner reversible.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you're inspired!

Joining Susan

Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!


  1. Look at you! I love how its reversible! You truly are inspiring...Im short on money (shocker) so Im going to try it! Always love your tablescapes!

  2. Very pretty, Michelle! I love the floral. I don't know why, but I am one who is not a fan of Chevron. Your centerpiece is perfect in its simplicity. Great find on those acorn S&P shakers from the dollar store! I love when you can find things like this that don't scream "dollar store".

  3. Beautiful! I am usually not a chevron fan, but the deep orange is pretty. I do like that it modernizes the look! Very, very pretty!!

  4. I adore chevron! Actually used to wear a chevron shaped ring on my finger until it broke.. boo hoo... Just love your runner!

  5. Very pretty! What a great floral. I like both sides. So hard to decide.

  6. How smart of you to make your runner reversible. Love those acorn S&Ps.

  7. Hi Michelle -
    You have the most beautiful blog, I don't know how I'm just finding it...your tablescapes are amazing. I especially love the one with the black plaid blanket and the one with the hedge apples...but I still have more of your blog to discover. I've pinned these tablescapes and am a new follower too. Take care and have a great weekend

  8. Very pretty table and I like both sides of the runner. Each one really changes the feel of the table. I like your simple centerpieces and your explanation as to why you chose it. Thanks for sharing! Now following!

  9. Pretty table! Thanks for sharing,Joann

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I absolutely love everything about the runner! The entire tablescape is beautiful.

    Thanks for the kind comment to me at Yes - aren't beagles the very best?!

    I am your newest follower. Please stop by again - or follow as well :)


  12. Too funny - I spoke too soon. Your follow just popped up. Thanks again. Glad we found each other!

    Shari @

  13. Hey, Michelle! First, thank you for stopping by my blog a few days ago. I appreciate the visit! I have been sick in bed since Wednesday (ugh!) with the flu. I'm just getting the chance today to get up and get to the computer for a few minutes. Thank goodness....television is starting to bore me like crazy!!! This is a beautiful, beautiful table! I have always thought fall colors paired well with shite. It's like the white is the canvas and the deepness of the fall colors are thus very pronounced. You just about can't ever go wrong with white. I'm green with envy (or is that still from the flu? ;-)) that you can so effortlessly sew whatever runner you wish. I tried my hand at sewing earlier this year and did a pretty fair job but have since forgotten everything I learned. I'll have to try again sometime soon. I love the chevron pattern with the floral flip side...very slick! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the sewing! P.S. - LOVE your china hutch!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Forgot to add that I DID notice that you and I share the same "Bellaserra" flatware! The way that knife stand up is just so cool!!! It is the most comtemporary flatware I own, and I just love it.

  15. Found this on pinterest. I was wondering who the fabric is made by? I love the rustiness of it and can only find really orange chevron fabric. Thanks!

    1. Never mind... Think I found one from Premier Prints that I like. Thank you for the inspiration. I just refinished my kitchen table and can't wait to start getting the house decorated for fall.

  16. Yes, Chantal that is where I found it...Premier Prints via

  17. Can you tell me what the fabric is it a village looks more brown on than in your pic and I love the color you used?

  18. @LWJ, yes is does look way darker online.. I want to buy this so bad, i hope it comes in the color like your pictures not the color from I'll be dissappointed.


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