
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

I Can Do This

I had a really full day yesterday. I spent a huge chunk of time revamping at my booth space because of the hutch selling the day before. It's great that the hutch sold, but it was a major anchor and held a lot. As I suspected, everything was all on the floor when I got I plugged in my ipod and got to work.
My Chemo Ed class was at 2:00 so I left and rushed across town (should have left a little earlier, I was a little late, whoops). The chemo ed was so, so helpful...a lot of the unknowns were talked about and my questions answered. The nurse that was explaining it all to me clearly knows her stuff. I found out all sorts of information like exactly what my regimen will be and how long per day, side effects of chemo, side effects of the pill I'm taking, and what I'll be feeling...what to expect or not. It's true, knowledge is power...I'm feeling ready to take this thing on.

By the end of it I was exhausted and glad that I got to bring a lot of the information home to read over. But, I know that no one can fully prepare you for chemo therapy, but I'm glad that at least I've got an idea of what will be happening. I'll just have to take one day at a time.
After I picked up the kiddies, we headed to McDonald's. Not that this is unusual, but that evening was "McTeacher's Night" where Mickey D donates 15% of the proceeds to Logan's we braved the crowd and picked up dinner.

Today, I am feeling rested and I am headed out to get supplies for wreath making to fill up my Etsy shop....that's code for flower shopping. :)
Tomorrow, I have a cat scan and ultrasound and an appointment with the surgeon about putting in a port for the chemo, which apparently I will just love because it will be located in a major artery and the little veins in my arms will thank me.
Thank you for your continued support, you guys are helping me so own little support group. :)

I can do this.


  1. Michelle: I love your attitude! Just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Tricia

  2. You are so brave and strong. You are an inspiration! You can do are doing it! Sending you a warm hug!

  3. Michelle: You bet you can do it. Knowledge IS power and the port will really help you. Keep on keeping on. We used to have a booth in the Bay Area and it was so nice to sell something but I remember trying to fit everything in after the fact. I love Mickey D!! Judy

  4. Michelle, I just recently found your wonderful blog and enjoy reading about your design projects. I will continue to follow with many thoughts and prayers for you as you start your chemo treatments. I too admire you for your great attitude and truly wish you all the best. - Deborah

  5. Michelle you can do this!!! With God as your strength you will make it through. Keep the faith girl and I'll be praying for you.

  6. Yeah sound so positive! Knowledge is power and so is a postive attitude! You go can do this! Remember you are WOMAN!!!

  7. Michelle

    Hope you are having a happy day.

    Check out this sweet lady "Donna" over at You are both going thru the same thing at the same time. Might helpt to talk.


  8. Yes, you can do this! You are brave and strong and beautiful! Wishing you continued prayers and wishes of wellness! Angie xo

  9. Hi Michelle, I found your blog through another blogger and I'm glad I did. You see, I am going through the exact same thing you are. I was just diagnosed with breast cancer and tomorrow and Friday I will have my cat scan, bone scan, cardio, and get my port put in. I will find out Friday what the plan for chemo will be. I have been on an emotional roller coaster, not knowing what it all will be like and how my body will handle it. With the love and support of all around me, I guess I will get through it. I wish you the best of luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you too. Let's just stay positive.


  10. Hi Michelle, I have been a "stalker" of your blog for quiet some time....I love it, always a lot of great ideas. Keep up the good work and YES YOU CAN DO THIS.

  11. I pray for the peace of God to fill your body and soul as you walk this journey. You bless us by allowing us to share even a snippet of your path. Thank you for trusting us. I'll continue to lift you in prayer. Cherry Kay

  12. Yes you can do this. You will beat this- One day at a time.
    Your name is on my refrigerator-I pray for you every day and for your family too.

  13. Sounds like you are getting a handle on the chemo. I'm so glad. I truly can't imagine what you're going through but I do know I will pray for you Michelle. If you need any support email me at My neighbor went through exactly what you're going through a year ago so a lot of what you're saying is familiar. Good luck! Carol

  14. I'm a fairly new follower, but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am to hear you are sick. I've never been through chemo therapy, but I have two grandmothers who are fighting cancer right now, one of which is undergoing her second row of chemo therapy treatments. She has her good days and her bad days, but she keeps on fighting and seems to be well on her way to recovery. I tell you this because I want it to give you strength, to know everyday won't be a bad day, and that there is LOTS hope for a bright future! You and your family are in my thoughts. *hugs*

  15. You are truly amazing! You have inspired me with your decorating...(your mantels are ALWAYS the best)... and now you are inspiring me with your attitude! Just keep moving forward one step at a time...and God Bless You! I'll be praying for a complete recovery!

  16. You can indeed--Philippians 4:13 says: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" I continue to pray for you to be filled with His strength, His comfort, His healing and His perfect peace, Michelle. Have fun making spring wreaths! Blessings~~Merri Jo

  17. Michelle - three simple but powerful words... YES YOU CAN! Have faith in God and yourself. Glad your hutch sold. As Martha would say..."its a good thing."

  18. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. Can't even imagine what it must be like for you. Best to you!

  19. May God bless you and keep you, you are an inspiration.

  20. Yes, you can because you are never alone.

    A friend shared a verse that upheld her through sleepless cancer nights. It encouraged me through sleepless cancer nights. May this bless your heart if you are ever awake and worried or hurting.

    Psalm 121:4 "Behold, He who keeps Israel
    Shall neither slumber nor sleep."

    The Lord never sleeps. He is always awake and looking down upon you with love and tenderness.

  21. That is right, you can do this! I have read that a positive attitude is half the battle. Good for you! It won't be fun--but I am sure some good things will come from the experience and you will grow as a person.

  22. That's the spirit Michelle! God is with you and he's brought an army of angels with him to look over you.

  23. You CAN Do THIS! and We all love your attitude and spunk! Thoughts and prayers continue -- sending big hugs too!

  24. Michelle, I just want you to know that you are a "sweet something" to all of us, while walking my dogs last night your face popped into my brain and I hope we continue in our own little way to give you strength and good vibrations to keep on fighting.

  25. You can ABSOLUTELY do this!!! Thoughts and prayers always and lots of well wishes!!! My grandma finished her chemotherapy back in November, and while I cannot personally say what she experienced, I know that it wasn't as bad as she thought it was going to be. We made her a little bag and filled it with books (which she finished the nights before her first treatment because she couldn't sleep) and a nice cozy blanket that she would take with her during her treatments, I know it was comforting to have something of hers, plus she gets really cold and loved that she had something nice (as opposed to "the thin little crappy sheet blankets the treatment center offered" per Mema). :)

  26. I just happened to come across your blog recently and I had to say...Yes! You CAN do this!! You WILL do this! Be strong and fight. God bless you and your family.

  27. You have my admiration and thoughts and appreciation for your courage.

  28. You CAN do this. It's good to get the information about the treatments, and to know what to expect.

    God bless you.

  29. you can!!! we love you and are praying every day

  30. Michelle, I've missed so much being absent from the blog world for a bit. So sorry about your illness. However, reading many of your past posts, you have your head together and I have great faith that you can walk this trying walk.

    Psalm 103:1 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and all that is within me,
    bless his holy name!
    2 Bless the Lord, O my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits,
    3 who forgives all your iniquity,
    who heals all your diseases,
    xo marlis

  31. Michelle,

    You can do this! You have the right attitude,an obviously supportive family and your support group of friends will be here to cheer you on.

  32. You are an inspiration to others in your shoes and also facing other issues. Great attitude!!!

  33. You can do this! And we are all here, right behind you, sending all the love and energy that we can :) xoxo

  34. My husband's best friend and another family friend are going through chemo right now. Each night, I pray for all three of you and for the countless others all over the world who are on the same difficult journey. Yes, you can do this! And, your readers will be here to support you each step of the way.

  35. Nice blog! Love your posts!
    If you want, check out my blog

  36. I so appreciate how you are documenting this - for your children/family, for yourself, for us. I can't imagine what you must be going through but absolutely draw and send strength through your amazing grace and courage through this all.

    Keep on keeping on!

  37. Hola, acabo de encontrar tu blog y me gusta mucho, eres una persona muy creativa. Gracias por compartir.

    saludos desde México

  38. Hello Michele,
    I just happened on your site, and read some of your entrys. Yes you can do this and know there are lots of people praying for you tonight. Its scary but you will get thru it and that will soon be behind you. You are a wonderful person and you deserve the best. You are right-there are always people in worst positions-I've reminded my daughter of that over the years-good luck to you hon!

  39. Sister you are so amazing! I think the word is yes you WILL beat cancer. You show great strength, I know that is due to all the prayers being sent up for you. My many thanks for every one. love you bunches


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