
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What I've Been Up To

So I've been slip-slidin''s been a busy, busy week with doctor appointments and testing and running all over town trying to get everything ready (here at home) for starting chemo. One such trip included a jaunt to Springfield Missouri, because I just had to get to the fabric store and Kmart. :) So the boys and I took off with my MIL and guess what? Keegan drove the whole way...on the open road...with high speeds and big rigs and blind spots, and all that.
Yikes. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, and I am trying to not stress out, although I was completely stressed out (don't tell him I said that). He's gotta learn somehow.
The trip also included a little bonus thrifting in which I scored some brand new Target thermal curtains (the creamy fabric below), a single blue striped curtain and 12 orange napkins and hold the phone, two brass trays, and that bottom one is pretty heavy. I told you brass was really growing on me, just not the shiny stuff, mind's got to be olden brass. I'm not sure what I'll be doing with the creamy panels, but that blue curtain has got summer tablecloth written all over it, and I adore the orange with the navy, don't you?

While at Kmart, I found these cute little woven slingback flats, and I love the inside stripe too. I love when they do details like that. And really, with Spring a week away, I'll be wearing these very soon!

I've started the oral cancer drug (called Mitotane) and it's making me a little crazy in that I'm not thinking straight and blurry essence I'm a little more air-headed than normal. Luckily I have not been sick though, they gave me nausea medicine to help with that so I am happy to report it's working. I also started a vitamin regimen...I've been reading all I can on beating cancer and take a look...I've gone from just a daily aspirin to thin my blood so my graph doesn't clog up to this:
Oh Yeah.

Also, I've been doing some sewing (watch out). I finally put together a tutorial how I did my ruffled table runner...especially since I found this cutesy gingham. I hope to get that pulled together for tomorrow. A little sneaky peaky.

And speaking of tomorrow, I get the port put in tomorrow which is an outpatient surgery, so I know I won't be around again for a couple of days. Just to let you know though, you all are helping me SO much, I am literally gleaning confidence from each and every comment and email and even snail mail!! Most from people that I don't even know, but are so willing to offer advice and encouragement and help (that is so major!). Thank you, I can't say it enough!


  1. You've been a busy bee. And, scored big on the thrifting.
    I remember the nervous feeling, when the kids start to drive. We're on the second generation, with grandkids driving...whew!
    Lots of people are pulling for you. Take care of yourself.
    God bless...

  2. I had no idea you were going through all of this. I am so sorry and will definitely keep you in my prayers. I am not sure what you have tried but I couldn't pass up sharing the link to this blog... On her "About" page she shares a little about her grandma's cancer and how changing her diet helped...I don't want to give false hope but I also know that if I were in your situation I'd want to explore every avenue and grasp every bit of information I could. Changing the PH levels in your blood through food is suppose to be a good thing. Sending Best wishes to you. Hugs

  3. OMG are AMAZING with everything you do!!! That wretched cancer of yours dosen't stand a snowball's chance in hell!!! You go girl...always happy to read an update. Thinking about you and praying for you!

  4. Barbara, I was going to say the same thing - Michelle you are amazing and so inspiring and I am so happy I stumbled upon your blog. Thank you for the updates and I am praying too

  5. You inspire me so much! I hope that tomorrow goes really smoothly. You'll be in my prayers.

  6. I keep you in prayer. I'm inspired by your strength... And teaching kids to drive takes nerves of steel! whew.

  7. Michelle - you amaze me that you're still so high in spirits and able to post, and still wanting to thrift. Love that! You have so much spunk and zeal for life. I know you are gonna meet this evil monster head on. I will be pulling for you and praying too. I love that gingham fabric and can't wait to see what what you do with it. Good luck tomorrow. Hugs, Barb

  8. You sound so upbeat and inspires me! You are still in my prayers and I just feel like everything is going to be fine!

  9. Saying prayers for you. Stay upbeat and truly helps! You are an inspiration......just like Ashley of LilBlueBoo.

  10. Michelle: How are you holding up? You sound so strong and positive. Take one day at a time. I'm thinking of you..Judy
    P.S. Great treasures!!

  11. Michelle, I can't believe the number of pills you are on but I sure can understand it. You have to shore every ounce of your body up for the journey. I wish for you calm, peace, serenity and above all courage. You can do this. You will! Carol

  12. You inspire us all, and yet, I don't want to place pressure on you that you would think that people would expect you to be an inspiration every day. I have a saying...I think that I made it up. "i do my best every single day; it's just that my best today might not be as good as my best was yesterday...and that's okay because in a few days, my best will be even better." I think that I just want you to have a healthy measure of grace for yourself on this journey. You have made such an amazing take-off, and I stand on God's promises that He will guide you all the way through to a safe landing. I look forward to hearing from you after you become "portable." Cherry Kay

  13. you are so brave to let your son drive!! ha. That will probably be easier than chemo!
    You found some great 'stuff.' Always great to make a little thrifting side trip I say. Good luck with the port tomorrow, get all the rest you can. take care.

  14. You are so inspiring!! I love that you just keep living life with the same fervor as you always have!! Keep going, you have a long life ahead of you!! Blessings!!

  15. I believe that we are challenged and learn from these difficult times so we can help someone else in the future. You will be an inspiration to many Michelle...and I love your adorable new shoes. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  16. Cute shoes!! And thrifting - it is such a buzz to find things! If I knew you in person, I would bring you a personal delivery of junk and set up a thrift store in your house on a day you didn't feel like going out. I hope a friend does that for you! (Hint hint to personal nonvirtual friends.) Since I can't do that for you, I'll just keep praying for all your needs to be met.

  17. Love your cute new shoes, love your fun purchases, love you! Thinking of you and praying for you,
    Terry in Milwaukee

  18. Good luck with the procedure tomorrow. Praying it goes smoothly for you.

    Gloria in Virginia

  19. Hi Sister been catching up on your march post. Can i say you have the best ideas, look so simple. Also I'm so excited to hear you are taking your vitamins and taking charge on learning more to beat this cancer! love you bunches!


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