
Friday, March 2, 2012

Wigged Out!

I had my doctors appointment was basically a consultation about everything I already know. A review if you will. For me, it was an appointment to see if I liked this new-to-me Joplin doctor. I have had so many of you email me stressing the importance of 'clicking' with the oncologist (and staff) (thank you! :) and he wasn't too bad. Between you and me though, after seeing Dr. F at NIH, I doubt I'll find anyone that remarkably affable as he is here or anywhere.
After my appointment at NIH (you can read about it here), Dr. F told me it was a good idea to go wig shopping BEFORE I start chemotherapy and before I start losing my hair. I thought that was pretty strange at the time, but after thinking about it, it made sense. Going wig shopping now while I feel good and not because I have to. So my MIL and I went to the Pink Boutique which is a shop in town that carries hats, scarves, wigs even handbags and jewelry for people fighting cancer. The women there are so nice and caring, we spent quite a bit of time there trying on wigs. I tried on a really short one and a long one but I really liked the mid length the best. I couldn't believe how real they seemed. These are crappy phone pictures, but you see how realistic it is. The color was even almost identical to mine. This is a wig!:
I'm no stranger to wigs...I remembered this picture of me (and my dad rockin' a moustache and a broken hand) circa 1978 and I'm wearing one of mom's 'fashion' wigs. No wonder I had fun yesterday, it was like playing dress-up!

I've got a whole gamut of tests next week..including a MRI, an ultrasound, a cat scan, a mammogram and a echocardiogram. It'll be a party, hu?
The fear keeps trying to creep in, and it's exhausting trying to keep it at bay. I can't help thinking about my boys, who is going to take care of them if I'm not here? I've got to be strong though, we still have normal life to live, my thoughts of keeping them home from school just so I can stare at them is just a little unrealistic, or is it?
 We've told Keegan everything from the beginning and I think we are going to tell Logan this coming week. I've been looking for books to help Logan understand a little better, he is only six, in case you don't know. Keegan said he wants to help shave my head when the time it weird that I'm proud of him for that?


  1. Thanks so much for sharing your fears and struggles. It encourages me when I'm feeling down about some stupid stuff that really doesn't matter. I find so much strength in you and I admire you for being so open to sharing. I hope that God puts His healing hands on you and you can see your kids grow up and maybe even grandkids??? Nothing is impossible to God. Keep smiling...

  2. Wig shopping looked like fun! Praying for you and your family!

  3. You're such an inspiration. Your strength is incredible. I am truly in awe of how yuo are handling such a difficult thing. And thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure you are helping so many that you don't even know.

  4. You are an inspiration Michelle and lots of prayers (from lots of other strong women) are being said for you and your family.

  5. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  6. During my cancer experience I have to say that the people at wig shops were some of the kindest people out there. I never ended up needing the one I had reserved since I didn't lose all my hair but I really believe wig shopping was an important part in helping me cope with what I was facing. Good luck on all your scans!

  7. That wig looks good on you Michelle. Keeping you in my prayers always.


  8. You look great! Best to tou during the upcoming treatments and continued blessings.

  9. Looks really good. And it was a great idea to do it now. Good luck with all the next round of tests! My prayers are with you and yours! hugs

  10. I'll keep your family and you in my prayers. I would have never known that was a wig if you hadn't told us. I pray that the Lord will surround you with earthly angels to hold you up on the hard days. I pray that He will equip your doctors, nurses, and techs with amazing wisdom and skill. I pray that He will give you the words for your sweet boys when you don't know what you want to say. Thank you for trusting us with your journey. Cherry Kay

  11. Any times spent worrying about tomorrow is wasted time today. Remind me of that when I'M stressing...okay?

    Gloria from Virginia

  12. Praying for you my sista. Your new hair looks gorgeous.

  13. Michelle the wig looks beautiful and the pic of you an your dad is too cute! I was just having a good cry over my oldest son turning 18 tomorrow and just other problems and so now I feel silly. You are so strong and my problems pale in comparison to yours but yet you still keep chugging along like the little engine that could and creating beautiful things that inspire me to create more. I will continue praying for you and your family.

  14. Hi Michelle: Cute wig! Aren't you glad that appointment is over. Take one day at a time. You are so strong. You will know what is the right thing to tell Logan and how much to tell. No body knows your child better than you do. I know my grandson, who was 9 when his mom was diagnosed, seemed to do better when he was involved in most things. Go hat shopping with both boys and let them each get a hat of their own, or let them pick out yours. God forbid!! You and your hubby will do the right thing and keep staying strong. It will get better..Judy at GoldCountryCottage

  15. I think you are going to start a new trend, those wigs are AMAZING. I had to look twice to read that you were wearing a wig, so natural looking. What a good idea to do the wig shopping now, those doctors are so smart! I like what Judy said about going hat shopping with your sons and keeping them involved as much as you can. Just keep yourself busy, and try to stay strong, things will get better. I will be thinking about you!

  16. May your spirits stay high and your hair stay put! My best wishes and thoughts go out to you. Attitude is so important, I hope that yours stays strong! Will be checking in on you, often. Let's hope that good health is heading your way.

  17. Hi Michelle, good luck with all your tests my dear and, the wig looks beautiful. Keep your chin up and prayers and good thoughts coming your way. Hugs, Chris

  18. Michelle, I will be thinking about you and praying for your quick and complete recovery. It is so good that you have such a great support system, a family that loves you so much! You look beautiful in that wig! Blessings to you! Ana


  20. still praying good luck and trust in the lord

  21. Michelle, I don't know you...but I feel like I do for my daughter LOVES your blog and your style, so comes to your blog a lot. =) Just wanted you to know that I'm SO SORRY for what you are facing and we will be praying for you all the way here in South America! May God be with you and your family during this HARD time!

    God bless,
    Buenos Aires, Argentina

  22. I wish for you and pray for you that everything will go well. I hear drinking lots of water after chemo helps-but PLEASE ask your doctors. I don't want to spread bad information.

    You look great and I will say a BIG prayer for you.

  23. Dearest Michelle,
    Thank you for keeping us updated...cause we care about you...and many of us are praying for you. Keep looking up, precious one!.

  24. Blessings, and praying for you and keeping you in my thoughts!! You look great in your temporary hair!! Keep your head up!!!

  25. Prayers from Arizona for you and your family! The wig looks beautiful! "The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you." Stay positive and enjoy every minute you can with family.

  26. Michelle,

    The wig looks great on you and I think it's so sweet that your son wants to help you shave your head!I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  27. That is an awesome hairstyle on you! Prayed for you and your family again tonight.

    Do you ever write things on your hand so you don't forget them? Well, that is my visual when I think of this verse: See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands. Isaiah 49:16 The context = He constantly looked upon them; that He never forgot them. He had a constant and sacred regard for His people, and amidst all their disasters and trials, still remembered them.
    A good reminder....
    I hope this encourages you!

  28. I'm humbled and inspired by your strength. All of my hopes, good thoughts and prayers go out to you and yours. Keep your head up; grace be with you.
    Oh, and the wig looks really good!

  29. Michelle thank you for your update and for being such a source of inspirarion and strength. Your boys will feel your strength and will know your grace. You have one fabulous MIL too!

    And as for the wig....super cute!!! I like SuzieQ's comment about spirits staying high and hair staying put. Keep your sense of humor really does go along way!

  30. I've always said that I would buy a wig, but I'd probably wear those bright colored wrap scarves even more. I've seen women with them on and yes, I realize that they have cancer when I see them...but they look beautiful too with those brilliant colors, strong somehow. Anyway, the wig looks so good and I think getting it ahead of time is a great idea. Sending a hug and a prayer.


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