
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

St. Patty's Day Links

 Happy Leap Day! Hope you are enjoying this extra day added onto the calendar! As you probably know, if you've blogged for any period of time, seasonal projects tend to get buried rather quickly. The internet has an exceedingly short memory, much like myself, imagine how happy I was when I ran across my garland today. I had forgotten all about it! I clipped my clover to my wreath on the back door, I still think that is a great project. So since even I forgot these projects, I thought you might have as I thought I would share some St. Patty's day links with you from yore. :) I have recently learned how to make images clickable, so just click the photos that interest you below and you will be taken directly to that post, fun right? If you have visted my tutorial page recently, you probably have noticed I'm converting all my tutes to clickable images. It has become a tedious task, so it's taking me forever, so bare with me.
I have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow morning, I hope I like this new guy....I'm just glad I don't have to drive across the state or fly across the country for an appointment!
Anyway, enjoy the links and have a great day!



  1. SO creative as always! I've been on a roll with St. Patrick's Day this year.. wishing you luck!!

  2. So cute ....will be thinking of you tomorrow...wishing you lots of luck also!!!

  3. Hope you are doing well today!! I have awarded you're blog the SUNSHINE AWARD! It's just a little award for bloggers to give out to other blogs that bring sunshine into our lives. :) Check out the original link

  4. Best of luck with the oncologist!


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