I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, I know I did, and am so blessed! The house is a complete disaster...it's going to take a few days to get everything back into order.
As we wind down the year, it's customary to look back on the year to see what you've accomplished so the next year can be even more productive. I had pretty lofty goals for 2011 all of which a major surgery brought to a screeching halt, but I still feel like I got some things done, while recovering. I'm creating 3 separate posts so they are not too long....after this project highlight, I've got before and afters and finally tablescapes of 2011.
For Spring of 2011, I tried my hand at making crepe paper flower ala Martha Stewart, such a fun and easy craft.

Crepe Paper Flowers
I tested and tried a paint technique to really bring an ordinary object some age and detail, really a great light and bright look for Spring
DIY Painted Pedestal (Painting Technique)
Fast foward to Summer, after my surgery and I'm feeling a little better. Taking ordinary curtain rod holder and adding a shelf....these are still hanging in my bedroom.
Wall Shelf
I have been trying to teach myself to sew, so I embarked on several simple straight forward designs in the way of table runners. Super easy for a beginner like me and using upolstery weight fabric created a very custom look.
Fabric Runner
With scraps from the runner, napkin rings and cuffs, seemed like the next natural step. Talk about custom, love it!
Napkin Cuffs and Rings
Rachel inspired this project, and it's perfect for Summer. My sister even did this with my niece at her birthday party. She bought all the girls tshirts, doilies and a selection of paint and let them design their own. What a great idea!
Doily Tshirt
Bottlecap collectors unite! This is another bottlecap project that turned out really nice.
Bottlecap Flag
This project was so simple and easy for the 4th
Flag Hurricane Inspired by high dollar block art, I made my own and love the modern/vintage look of it.
Block Letter Art
I worked in the master bedroom this year and loved some artwork I had, but it didn't coordinate, a little paint changed that.
Changing Artwork
Another sewing project that is easy enough for begginers
Skirted Desk
Another paint technique, this one looks great going into the fall and winter months.
DIY Paint Technique
Lanterns are still all the rage and I show you how to embellish one for fall.
Fall Lantern
Easy flower pomanders for fall. These could be done with colors for anytime of year.
Autumn Pomanders
Old faded 'funkins' transformed with paint.
Painted Pumpkins I loved making these and hated packing them away.
Glittered Pumpkin Wands
This is still hanging in the living room although the green leaves have faded to brown. This wreath was time consuming, but well worth the effort.
Fresh Magnolia Wreath
This was by far my favorite project this Christmas.
Pinecone Topiaries
This project come about at the last minute, thanks to Pinterest.
Music Sheet Stars
Wait a minute. This might of been my favorite.
Waterless Snow Globes
This is a fun gift idea, I painted several and gave them away on top of packages.
Gingerbread Man
This wreath is still outside and looking good.
Fresh Boxwood Wreath
I hope you enjoyed this look back on projects for 2011, I look forward to even more for 2012.

Need a design boost? For advice and guidance on style, contact me!